The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Blood on Bill Clinton's Hands

Bill Clinton's hands are dirty, and not just from his insatiable lust for interns. Our ex-president extraordinaire is guilty of much, much more than marital infidelity. His concern for poll numbers and reelection in 1996 guided much of his governing philosophy, but it was ultimately his inaction in the face of Islamic terror and his concern for a legacy that will prove to be the unremovable stains (no pun intended) in the pages of history books yet to be written.

1993 proved to be a defining year in the Clinton presidency for reasons which one should not be proud. First, in February, the World Trade Center suffered its first attack at the hands of Islamic terrorists, an attack that was unsuccessful in its ultimate aim to topple the Towers but took the lives of 6 people and injured well over 1,000 more. We know now that history would repeat itself just eight short years later. The second event took place on the White House lawn in September, when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with the father of Arab terrorism, Yassir Arafat, as a sign of "progress" in the "peace process". You see, Bill Clinton dusted off Arafat as a "peace partner" in hopes of creating said legacy, to be the man who brokered the "peace" between the Israelis and Palestinians. Imagine the hubris. The third event is the one known as Black Hawk Down, yet another attack on America by Islamic radicals, this one in Mogadishu. Eighteen elite U.S. special forces soldiers were butchered and dragged through the streets of Somalia when weak-kneed President Clinton refused to provide the air support he promised before the mission. This is a familiar refrain that would lead to the unimaginable atrocities we suffered together on September 11, 2001.

The blood on Bill Clinton's hands ultimately comes from one of two things: gross incompetence that led to inaction, or as mentioned before, his quest for a legacy. Al Qaeda was a group not know to many Americans (myself included) before 9/11, but they were very well known to our government. Following the attack on the World Trade Center and the Black Hawk Down incident, Al Qaeda struck again in 1995 when they destroyed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Nineteen American soldiers were killed. In 1998, the American Embassies in both Kenya and Tanzania were bombed and destroyed by Al Qaeda operatives. In Kenya, the death toll reached 213 with over 4500 injured and in Tanzania there were 11 killed, with 85 injured. In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked in the harbor waters of Yemen by Al Qaeda operatives, killing 17 U.S. sailors. At this point I should also mention the downing of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, which appears by all reasonable analysis to have been shot down by a missle despite the claims of the Clinton-led cover-up conspiracy. For more on this, read the book "First Strike" by Jack Cashill and James Sanders, which points to an Al Qaeda connection.

At this point we should recount the response effected by Bill Clinton to these acts of war against the United States of America: essentially nothing except tough talk followed by inaction, until August 20, 1998 when Clinton authorized a Tomahawk cruise missile attack against the Sudan, targeting a suspected Al Qaeda training camp and a pharmeceutical facility best known for making children's aspirin. There can be absolutely no doubt that Clinton's inaction in the continuing face of Al Qaeda terrorism emboldened this enemy to the point of launching a major assault against our homeland on 9/11. President Clinton chose to treat much of the growing Al Qaeda threat (primarily the first attack on the Twin Towers) as a law enforcement problem as opposed to the clear acts of war that they were. An attack on our homeland, attacks against US Embassies, military attacks against our soldiers, the possible downing of a US airliner are all acts of war against our nation. Only someone as ineffectual as Bill Clinton could perceive and treat these acts as something our local police department should be dealing with, as opposed to the United States military!

It would truly take me another four or five paragraphs to recant the acts of war directed against the Israeli people by Yassir Arafat after the Oslo Accords in 1993. President Clinton saw fit to consistently tie the hands of the Israeli military response effort, demanding a path to peace and decrying the so-called cycle of violence. In 2000, after Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Arafat and the Palestinians 98% of what they were demanding regarding statehood (including half of Jerusalem!), Arafat stormed out of the room and launched a horrific war of homicide bombings against Israeli civilians that continued until Ariel Sharon crushed this effort some 3 - 4 years later. In this, as in the case of the growing Al Qaeda threat against America, Bill Clinton was not only complict but directly responsible for the murdering of many, many civilians, only in this context they were Israeli and not American (although many American citizens were killed in this terror war against Israel).

The lust for a legacy and the gross incompetence and inaction of William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the loss of many lives of citizens of many nations around the world, but primarily American and Israeli lives. On 9/11, this gross incompetence came to our shores a second and much more lethal time. There are difficult questions to be asked of the Bush Administration and why the threat of Al Qaeda didn't seem to be taken with a greater sense of impending urgency. But this blog is focused squarely on the ineffectiveness of President Clinton, which led to Al Qaeda's bravado to even consider attempting an attack of that magnitude against our homeland. Yes, let it be said that September 11, 2001 lies at the feet of Bill Clinton, much as the blood of many has dried on his hands.


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