The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"The Status Quo Is Unacceptable."

So said President Bush this morning as he twisted arms and likely tried to subtly (or not) blackmail the Republican opposition to support his idea called "comprehensive immigration reform".

Comprehensive immigration reform is the latest and greatest idea cooked up by President Bush and his conservative ally Senator Edward Kennedy. They colluded to create the conservative "No Child Left Behind Act", which essentially removed most federal control over public education and looked toward a future without the unconstitutional Department of Education. OK, I was dreaming there for a second. Like NCLB, comprehensive immigration reform is a sellout of basic conservative principles and a complete whitewashing of the Constitution, as well as a backhand to the face of anyone who supports that tired old catchphrase called "the rule of law".

America is under attack by a ruthless and determined enemy who seeks nothing less than the destruction of our way of life. Hand in hand with our military's valiant effort overseas is our aching need, our fundamental duty and responsibility, to secure our borders. Codified into the law already since 2005, and with federal funding available immediately, is the building of a stretch of 700 miles of fence along our border with Mexico to stem the tide of illegal immigration. How many miles of fence have been built since the law was passed and signed by the president? Two. That's right, two.

There are those on both sides of this issue who seek to demagogue the immigration discussion by saying those who support border enforcement and the end of illegal immigration (and possibly the deportation of illegal immigrants) are racists and xenophobes, or what are referred to derisively as "restrictionists". I've done quite a bit of reading on both sides of the argument and from what I can see, there are those who live on the fringe of both sides as in every political discussion, but the sensible middle seeks to enforce our borders and end illegal immigration, and our corporate addiction to cheap labor. The reality is that we already have on our books every law we need to end the problem of illegal immigration. We must enforce those laws.

Mr. President, the status quo IS unacceptable. Your dereliction of your constitutional duty as written in Article 2, Section 3 to take care that the laws of the United States be faithfully executed borders on an impeachable, high crimes offense against our nation and Constitution. Your choice to leave our borders open to all comers, be it those seeking only a better life or those coming here to murder us under the guise of radical Islam, IS unacceptable. Your immature insults thrown in the faces of your most ardent conservative supporters, telling us that we don't want to do what's right for America if we don't support your idea of comprehensive immigration reform, IS unacceptable. Mr. President, telling the American people that we're going to once again excuse illegal behavior in order to fulfill the needs of your corporate friends to exploit cheap labor IS unacceptable. Mr. President, using the Constitution that many have fought and died to defend as your own personal sheet of toilet paper IS unacceptable.

Mr. President, do your job. Enforce the law. Secure our borders. These are the ONLY acceptable choices on this matter.


Blogger DRC said...

You should be a proponent of companies like "American Apparel" and "In-N-Out" who pay above minimum wage for quality work, with products that are still at an affordable cost to the consumer, and a company that still makes decent profits. No outsourcing, no immigrants, decent wages and a successful business can still go hand in hand.

But as far as trying to stem illegal immigrants, a wall simply will not do and it's a total waste of money. You have to fight it like you fight cockroaches. Spraying your house, roach motels, killing their eggs, etc. never really work. They still come in swarms because they have a reason to come if you don't clean up the crusty food around your house. If you attack the reason they come, they will stop coming. If there are no jobs here, they will have no reason to risk their lives to get here. And the next time you see that brown person running across the Arizona desert, you know it's probably a really stupid terrorist, because the smart ones try to get in with false documents through Canada.

4:37 PM  
Blogger The Rock said...

Thanks for the comment, DRC. Much appreciated. I'll get into my prescription for the immigration situation more in my next posting. Suffice it to say, as someone who deals hands on everyday with the legal immigration process as part of my day job, I'm very much in favor of legal immigration. What I'm against is the exploitation of what's becoming essentially a serf class of low-wage Mexican immigrants. It's not only one small step removed from slavery, it takes jobs away from willing American citizens and depresses wages artifically.

As for your opinion on building a wall, it's not a waste of money or time. Yes, we have to dry up the root causes, but many of those who come here across the Mexican border aren't just looking for a job. They're coming to kill us. And it's facile at best to suggest they go through the pains of procuring fraudulent documents and coming through Canada. You simply have no evidence to suggest that's the case.

Regardless, as I said I'll get into my "plan" to salvage our immigration process. Suffice it to say it begins with our president abiding by his oath of office and executing the laws of the land, and not filibustering and suggesting without this new ridiculous law of his (which is nothing more than his latest attempt to secure a legacy of a faltering presidency) he will have difficulty enforcing the law and securing the border. Wrong. All it takes is effort. The president must act now.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

3:10 AM  

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