The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama: Usurper?

Questioning the birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama apparently makes one a tinfoil hat wearer along the lines of those who believe that JFK was killed by LBJ or that Neil Armstrong never actually walked on the moon. I disagree. In fact, there are legitimate questions surrounding Obama's birthplace. Let's look at them one at a time.

1) The COLB posted on

Barack Obama posted on his website a Certification of Live Birth. Note the word "certification." The COLB, as it is referred to, is not in fact an actual long-form Certificate of Live Birth. It is a short form copy that omits key information, such as what hospital Obama was born in and who was the delivering obstetrician. As well in fact in 1961, the year Obama was born, the state of Hawaii allowed foreign births to be registered as Hawaiian births within a certain period of time. In this case, a COLB is issued to a child born in a foreign country. Also in this case, no Certificate of Live Birth would be issued by Hawaii. That would be issued by the country in which the natural birth took place.

2) Why has no one ever claimed to be at Barack Hussein Obama's birth in Hawaii?

It's a bit odd, but no one knows. His half-sister has claimed that Obama was born in at least 3 different hospitals in Hawaii. What we do know is that his step-grandmother has filed an affidavit claiming she witnessed his birth in Mombasa, Kenya.

3) Why has no hospital in Hawaii claimed themselves as the historic birthplace of our first African-American president?

It's a bit odd, but no one knows. What we do know is that there are dozens of Kenyan's who have professed to know for certain that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

4) If Barack Hussein Obama was a natural-born US citizen, how was he able to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when it was illegal for America citizens to set foot in Pakistan? What passport did he use, considering he wouldn't have been able to use a US passport?

5) If Barack Hussein Obama was a natural-born US citizen, how did he attend school in Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro when only Indonesian citizens could attend school there?

6) If Barack Hussein Obama was really born in the US as he claims, why has he spent 1 million dollars fighting the efforts of the American people to see his long-form birth certificate?

This is the question at the heart of this constitutional crisis and it is one that will affect our ability to continue as a self-governing people. The American people have demanded that their president prove to them that he is who he says he is, and that he was in fact born in the US and therefore able to constitutionally serve as president. If Obama refuses the demands of the American people, he has staked his claim to the presidency on nothing more than the arbitrary desire to seize power and rule. Liberals will argue that he's eligible because he was elected, but someone not eligible should never have been on the ballot in the first place. There is no controlling authority to verify the eligibility of the candidate, a situation that is trying to be rectified in Congress much to the dismay and chagrin of the liberals who discard the Constitution at will. You see, he's "their guy" and because "their guy" won, the American people can stuff it.

Barack Hussein Obama an arrogant narcissist who could be a usurper to the presidency, and therefore a threat to our Constitution that must be investigated immediately. Should he seek to thwart the will of the American people and keep his true identity hidden, what recourse will we have? Perhaps a better question is, will we prove to be as committed to our founding documents and to the defense of liberty as the men who wrote them?

Where is your birth certificate, Barack Hussein Obama?


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