The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Sunday, September 06, 2009

An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein

Dear Dianne:

I recently wrote to you demanding that you uphold your oath to the Constitution of the United States. That oath requires you to vote "no" on the imposition of nationalized, socialized medicine as pushed by Barack Obama and you and your Democrat, socialist allies in both halls of the People's Congress. I was grateful to receive an email response, expecting some sort of intelligent response reflecting my concerns. How surprised I was by what I read.

It was blatantly obvious you didn't read my message, as you responded by thanking me for supporting this nationalization and socialization of the heath care mechanism of America. I do not support this. The American people do not support this. The Constitution clearly does not authorize this. You have no choice but to vote no, otherwise you will have forfeited the privilege we have bestowed upon you to represent us.

Make no mistake, Dianne: you represent us. You are MY representative. I do not work for you. I do not spend 50 hours per week minimum working hard to earn a living only to turn almost 50% of my income over to you, so you can merely pass it out to people who believe in the socialist politics that have poisoned the ideology of a once-great political party of which I was once proudly a member. How dare you tell me what I can keep of my earnings, and that you'll let me keep my health care. Only by the grace of G-d do WE let YOU continue to rob from us, from my unborn children who you seek to exterminate in the womb, and from my family and friends in the community known as the Republic of California. Those days are over.

If there is even one single, solitary thread of respect for the Constitution left in your corrupt soul, you will execute your duty properly and vote no on the Obama agenda: health care, cap and trade, etc. If not, you will pay at the ballot box when your time comes.

Your oath requires fidelity to the Constitution, Dianne. And finally, We the People are watching. You will be held accountable.


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