The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Conservative Solutions, Part 2: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

"What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

-- Patrick Henry

Liberals play for keeps. To them, politics is win or lose game; compromise has no place in the Democrat policy playbook. It is one area they have a substantial leg up on us. Generally speaking, conservatives are more polite than liberals, and specifically Republicans wilt under the heat of the fire-breathing Democrats. We must match them with the same verve, with the language of stark and vivid choices, and with the attitude of a pit bull.

When it comes to defending America, the Constitution and everything else we hold dear, we can no longer accept the passive approach struck by the elitist, establishment Republicans who have spent the last 50 years trying to accommodate their Democrat allies, who are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing. With the breath of fresh air that animated conservatism in the form of Ronald Reagan, we appeared poised to finally reverse the onslaught of socialism and turn the tide back toward constitutional government. But, alas, Ronald Reagan himself was not enough. Even the Great Liberator failed in his sincerest desire to return our federal government to its proper, constitutional state, deriving its just authority from the consent of the governed. We failed as well by electing country club Republican George Bush to succeed Reagan instead of someone like Jack Kemp, who was the logical successor to continue to advance the cause of liberty.

With the rise of the Obama administration, our government has ceased to even pretend it cares what the Constitution says or what actions are or are not permitted by it. Cap and trade? Nothing in the Constitution. Nationalized health care? Nothing. Barack Obama isn't even likely to be constitutionally eligible, but who cares? The Constitution only demands natural-born citizenship, but why bother with such mundane details as the rule of law when we can install a smooth-talking snake oil salesman into the presidency?

The time has long since passed for the people of this country to rise up together and demand the liberty promised to us in the Declaration of Independence and as protected by the written letter of the Constitution. The time is now to begin to use words of substance to describe the choices before us. We're at a crossroads, and only by speaking the truth will we find ourselves back on the proper path. And the truth is, liberalism must be stopped. Now. When we regain the spirit of men like Patrick Henry and stand willing to die before we submit any further to the chains of tyranny being placed upon us by this illegitimate president, then and only then will we be worthy of calling ourselves by the greatest title in the history of civilization: American.


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