The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Today's Liberals: An Intellectual Kinship With Tyrants

Today's liberals are interesting people. They are the same in name only to the classical liberals which count among them the greatest thinkers and political philosophers in history, such as Burke, Locke, Rousseau, Washington, Madison, Adams, and more recently John Kennedy.

It was the young President Kennedy who said in his inaugural address, "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty." Today's Democrat party is very different from JFK. Today's president, Barack Hussein Obama, stands in stark opposition to Kennedy's ideals of "bear any burden" with regard to the spread of liberty throughout the world. One need look no further than Obama's stand toward the freedom fighters in Iran and his support of a "wannabe" tyrant like Manuel Zelaya in Honduras. John Kennedy is probably rolling in his grave, because in truth today's liberals are willing to pay absolutely no price and aren't willing to bear any burden in defense of liberty. In fact, today's liberals are at the forefront of an unprecedented assault on liberty here in America and around the world.

Liberals in office like (but not limited to) Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and celebrities like (but not limited to) George Clooney, Sean Penn and Janeane Garofalo cozy up to tyrants and dictators around the world. In 2007, Nancy Pelosi visited Syria against the wishes of the president of the United States. Syria is listed by the US Government as a state-sponsor of terrorism. In 2008, Sean Penn took a trip to Cuba to nuzzle Fidel Castro, proclaiming the dictatorship to be a beacon of human freedom. Janeane Garofalo claims that the anti-tax TEA Party protesters are right-wing terrorists, hicks, have no knowledge of the reason behind the original Boston Tea Party, and that those who participated in the TEA Parties are racists because they dare to opposed the president, who happens to be black. Obama gets buddy-buddy with Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez, insists that the Honduran government abandon their Constitution and reinstall aspiring dictator-for-life Manuel Zelaya, and thumbs his nose at the brave men and women desperately fighting for freedom in Iran, who need to know that the world stands with them a la Reagan and Poland, but gets nothing from Barack Hussein Obama except silence, some mealy-mouthed platitudes, more silence, and finally a determination to continue to press for negotiations with and therefore validate the regime of dictator and terrorist Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. And, let's not forget their insane efforts to bestow the protections of the American Constitution upon enemy combatants waging war against the American people.

How did the heirs of a great philosophy of individual liberty, the concept of self and citizenship voluntarily disregard their roots and pick up the mantle of statism, crippling taxation and a disturbing kinship with and affinity for terrorists and despots? The concept of statism within the Democrat party took firm root during the presidency of FDR. FDR began the corruption in the relationship between the American people and their government to a substantial degree through his New Deal. By using the crisis of the Great Depression to push his massive government intervention plans, he created a dependency constituency who would come to rely on government to solve their problems. While this constituency was indeed small in the beginning, it bestowed a new and heretofore unheard of legitimacy upon this relational corruption between the American people and their government.

The 1960's were a pivotal decade in American history and in the further perversion of the relationship between the American people and their government. The assassination of President Kennedy now added a layer of distrust between the two, as many conspiracy theorists believed that Kennedy's VP and successor Lyndon Johnson had Kennedy's blood on his hands in a coup d'etat in order to keep the Vietnam War machine running (some speculated that Kennedy wanted to have all US troops out of Vietnam by 1965). This fueled the rise of the anti-war, anti-American government hippie generation that believed in a complete abdication of personal responsibility, which dovetailed nicely with LBJ's push for a massive expansion of government into the lives of the American people, also known as the Great Society. Both the New Deal and the Great Society were seizures of power not granted to the federal government through the Constitution and were (and therefore still are) illegitimate.

These policies of social engineering had to be paid for, which started the manipulation of the tax code to the point where 49% of the American people do not pay income taxes. One has to believe that the goal is for the numbers to reverse and to have a majority of the American people not paying taxes, which would simply be the full blossoming of the dependency culture which the Democrat party has been pushing since FDR. Imagine the purest expression of democracy: where a majority of freeloaders punish the working class because they have the numbers to do it.

Barack Hussein Obama's agenda is nothing more than the completion of the Left's efforts to fully and completely corrupt the relationship between the American people and their government. Look at how they control behavior from cradle to grave:

1) Abortion (making choices about who is to live and who is to die before birth)
2) Mandating government-controlled pre-school
3) Hammerlock control over public education; fighting desperately to outlaw homeschooling (making government responsible for dictating what you learn)
4) The fight for single-payer government health insurance (where government makes choices about what care you will or will not receive)
5) Social Security (taking control over your retirement)
6) The push to legalize euthanasia (making choices about who is to live and who is to die after birth)

The classical liberals that brought about the Enlightenment and whose expression of ideals can be found in the wondrous Declaration of Independence have in fact become today's conservatives, the Ronald Reagan's and the William F. Buckley's. It is sad and unfortunate that those who call themselves liberals today have absolutely nothing in common with their namesakes, instead pushing outright socialism and command and control-style statism. As these liberals increase the size and scope of government and push to complete the corruption of the relationship between the American people and their government, Karl Marx must be smiling (in whatever circle of Hell he finds himself). For it is he, the father of communism, who believed that the seeds of America's destruction would be planted from within.

(For further edification, read Karl Marx's Ten Planks of Communism and look how similar it is to the ideology of today's liberals.)


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