The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, July 06, 2009

Conservative Solutions: Part 1

Over the coming days and weeks I will be committing this blog to outlining conservative solutions to the problems facing America. Our liberal friends say we contribute nothing in terms of ideas, but rather have stamped ourselves solely as a faction of people committed only to saying "No!" Let's be very clear. Saying no to Barack Hussein Obama is a very important piece of the puzzle, but it's only half the battle. What we should be saying, if we wish to be seen as responsible participants in the marketplace of ideas, is "No, but..." So with that in mind, here is a growing and evolving list of things to which I will be saying, "No, but..."

1) National Security
2) The proper role of the judiciary
3) Taxation without representation
4) Immigration
5) The Entitlement Society
6) Energy Independence and the health of the planet
7) Proper procedure in the House and Senate
8) Term limits
9) American exceptionalism
10) The relationship between the American people and our government (discussed on this forum yesterday)

Our friends on the Left have their ideas about a command-and-control centralized federal government, where the elite few tell the rest of us what to do and what is best for us. As the opening salvo, I'll suggest that not only do they not know what is best for us, but they should mind their own business and stick to whatever it is they do best. Because they've proven time and again that governing is what they do worst.


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