The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I think it's time we start to consider the full scope of options available to us in the wake of the socialization of American medicine. It's clear that the fundamental differences between the totalitarian Left and the laissez-faire Right are irreconcilable. All we have now is the force of government pulling us in directions neither of us care to go. Socialized medicine is immoral, and it is being forced upon us by thugs who tortured the legislative process to secure their ill-gotten gains. I thought the Left rejects torture. Shouldn't they stop torturing the Constitution we love?

The Left wants to impose an agenda on this country that is alien in every way to what the Founders intended. We don't even agree that the Founders' intent and Natural Law should control the interpretation of the Constitution. The Left rejects Natural Law because it presupposes there is an authority higher than they are. Look at how they conduct themselves when they are in power. It's ugly and immoral. We believe in God and we believe God should always govern in the affairs of man.

The Left wants to open the borders to secure votes for themselves, thereby securing an irreversible hold on power. That's what "comprehensive immigration reform" is all about? The Left wants to reduce the standard of living for everyone by raising taxes and "spreading the wealth around." That's what socialism is all about. The Left refuses to drill or develop nuclear power. They want to cause the cost and price of electricity to "necessarily skyrocket" in order to influence behavior. That's what Cap and Tax is all about. The Left hates American and hates our Constitution. That's what "fundamental transformation" was all about in 2008.

We are being held hostage against our will. I know, I know, everyone on the Left and some on the Right will call me a loon. That's fine. It doesn't change the fact that the Left is moving to implement full control over the American people. At least John Dingell, Congressman from MI, was honest when he said the following in defense of ObamaCare:

"Let me remind you this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."

Control the people? Yes, that's their goal. It's now on full display for everyone to see, should they be willing to let the scales fall from their eyes.

We have a couple of years left to reverse course before the inevitable. The November 2010 elections are the most important in the history of these United States of America. In those elections we will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to live in perpetual slavery. We will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to live with elected "representatives" who engage in the ugliest form of corruption in order to seize power from the people. We will learn if the majority of the American people still love freedom and our Constitution. We will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to follow the path of Marxism or Madisonianism. Tyranny or freedom? The rule of men or the Rule of Law?

But what if we fail at the ballot box? What if the majority accepts the status quo? What, then, is the inevitable? The inevitable is our last recourse under Natural Law: secession. The Left plans to do everything in their power to control us. I reject that. I will never live in indentured servitude. I will never forfeit my natural, God-given unalienable right to live free. If America is lost to tyranny then we will make it our life's work to ensure that freedom rings elsewhere. I am prepared, if necessary, to make it my life's work. I suspect many agree with me.

So to our fellow Americans who reside on the power-hungry Left, I give you fair warning: be prepared to let us peaceably go our separate ways. Let us take our beloved Constitution, and you can do whatever it is you want to do under whatever rules you wish to observe, if there are any. After all, Democrat Representative Alcee Hastings was pretty clear last week that there aren't any rules when you and your fellow Leftist thugs have the opportunity to seize more power. Maybe that's why he's one of a few federal judges to ever be impeached and removed from the bench (for bribery in 1988).

Be prepared to peaceably let us go our separate ways.


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