The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Socialized Medicine, Insurance Mandate and the Police?

Leftists who support the government takeover of American medicine and health insurance often hide behind the police and fire departments to give legitimacy to the insurance mandate. The comparison is wrong.

The federal government has no authority to socialize medicine and force Americans to buy a good or service as a condition of lawful residency. They're trying to claim this authority by torturing the general welfare clause and the interstate commerce clause, but the Constitution does not permit it. We know this because the Founders were clear that the general welfare clause had no real operative substance outside of the enumerated powers in Article 1, Section 8. We also know that regulating interstate commerce means only making sure the several States play by evenly applied, fair rules. That's it. Nothing empowering the government to levy fines on Americans who don't buy this or that.

Leftists know that argument doesn't hold any weight with people who actually understand the American Constitution so they say "Well what about police and fire departments? You don't seem to have any problem with socialism in those areas. And I'm forced to pay for them even if I don't want them!" Bollocks. Police and fire departments are state authorities, not federal. And because we believe the Tenth Amendment means what it says we know that police and fire departments are legitimate undertakings by the people and their state governments. We also know that the Massachusetts experiment in single-payer health insurance is legal and constitutional, despite the disaster it has been since day one.

It's unsurprising that Leftists are holding up the police as a comparison for the government forcing us to buy health insurance. If we choose not to purchase it, Leftists want to be able to turn us over to the police. Remember that next time these champions of freedom propose some other "solution" to the problems they themselves have created over these past few decades.


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