The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scott Brown for MA Senate

Scott Brown is no "far right tea bagging Republican," a slur delivered from Senator Charles Schumer. Let's be clear. Senator Schumer is a political hack who won his seat by falsely painting his opponent as a Jew-hater. He does that quite often. Now Schumer is using a term that refers to a filthy homosexual practice to smear a good and decent man running for Senate in Massachusetts because he happens to be a Republican. This is unsurprising, but it is still disgusting behavior by a disgusting human being. Yes Chuck, you're a disgusting human being.

Scott Brown loves America. That seems to be abundantly clear if you spend five minutes listening to the man. He's just like you and me. He's fed up with the political machines of both parties churning up sludge from the bottom of humanity and elevating them to positions of power over us. Scott Brown is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard and is a Lt. Colonel in the JAG Corp. He believes in the power of the American individual. He believes that government is raging out of control. He believes the American people are the rightful owners of the fruits of their own labor. He is also a supporter of Roe versus Wade and the "right to choose" abortion. Is this a far right Republican boogeyman? Of course not. But Schumer and others fear him, so he must be destroyed by any means necessary.

Scott Brown is a man who has worked hard to serve the people of Wrentham, MA and has seen enough of a government in Washington, DC that has grown beyond its constitutional limits. So in an act befitting a man who believes in the American people, he is hoping to go to the swamp and drain it.

It is often said that the Lord reveals himself in mysterious ways. Ted Kennedy's life work was the implementation of socialized medicine and single-payer health care in America. Scott Brown will kill it from the people's Senate seat held by Kennedy for far too long. Mere irony? Or the propitious smiles of Heaven in response to the long-overdue awakening of the American people?

Elect Scott Brown.


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