The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Suggestion to My Liberal Friends: Let's Start Over

To My Liberal Friends:

Let's start over. On issues related to the Constitution, legislation, economics, foreign policy, taxation, freedom of speech, religion, the judiciary and on and on, we seldom agree on the right solution to our national problems. But we do agree that there are problems in desperate need of solution and sometimes we agree on what those problems are. For that I am encouraged.

And so it is in the spirit of my renewed encouragement that I would like to offer a sincere suggestion to all those who do not share the political ideology of me and millions of our fellow Americans. I would like to suggest we stipulate together a few basic points that I believe will help to heal our wounded body politic. First, let's recommit to the American ideal of a healthy, peaceful and vigorous adversarial political system. Second, let's agree to always behave in good faith and with honesty toward each other, and not pretend that all of our own actions thus far have been. Third, let's agree that the belief in the ability of humanity to unlock its unlimited potential for good must be counterbalanced by eternal vigilance in the face of humanity's demonstrated capacity for unspeakable evil.

Fourth, let's agree that action or inaction of any kind in an effort to solve our problems will do one of two things at various pace: 1) create upward progress toward the unlimited potential for good; 2) provoke downward regression toward unspeakable evil.

Last but not least, let's reinvigorate the healthy, American ideal of skepticism. But not toward each other for we have already made a pact to behave with both honesty and good faith. Let's be skeptical of our government. When Democrats are steering the ship of state, let's all be skeptical of the motivations of the Democrats. And no less so for the Republicans. Let's be skeptical of people who control our national purse strings and tell us everything we want to hear while quietly fattening their wallets and disgracefully ensuring their perpetual reelection.

If we do these things I believe we will in good time restore our shared patriotism and more often than not create real solutions to real problems instead of throwing tax dollars at the figments of political imagination. I believe this because we will be doing exactly what our politicians fear the most: We the American people will be working together.

Let's start over.


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