The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm... Barack Hussein Obama

It is simply breathtaking how naive and narcissistic liberals are. Here are a group of people united by an ideology that assumes that people, including tyrannical dictators, are inherently good but perhaps misguided, and that through dialogue pushed forward by their own superior intellect they can bring anyone around to their point of view. This is the stuff that conservatives keep consigned to the fables of Aesop or the fairy tales we used to recite in kindergarten. Interestingly enough, those fairy tales were never brainless chants of worship of our president, though there's no doubt that in my younger days we actually had a great president named Ronald Wilson Reagan, as opposed to one who plays one on TV like the current Oval Office occupant.

I watched in abject horror as the president of the United States stood at the podium of the UN last week and rewrote history, threw allies under the bus and joined hands with the worst scum of humanity and sang Kumbaya while visions of mushroom clouds over Tel-Aviv danced in their heads.

Barack Hussein Obama (mmmm mmmm mmmmm...) is a repulsive human being who is executing the first reality TV presidency. Devoid of anything even remotely related to what serious people call "substance", our narcissist-in-chief is on TV as much as humanly possible, giving speeches and addresses ad nauseum in hopes of selling the fundamentally conservative American people on a left-wing agenda that will completely alter and permanently corrupt the relationship between the American people and our government. While our school children are taught to sign paeans to the Manchurian Candidate (mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm...) our allies are caught between Barack and a hard place. Honduras's legitimate, constitutional government is under assault by Obama proxy Hillary Clinton; Israel is being systematically but surreptitiously thrown under the bus; Poland and the Czech Republic, two stauch allies whose friendship was secured in full by the promises of the Bush Administration, have both been cut off by Obama's decision to abandon the Bush missile defense shield stationed in Czech.

In contrast, Iran's leadership rigged their election and murdered people in the streets of Tehran while Obama extends his hand in friendship; Russia sneered as we retreated in Poland and Czech; the Palestinian terror infrastructure remains not only in place but emboldened by an American president who stood before the world and called the West Bank and Gaza "occupied territories", a complete misrepresentation of truth, reality and history as well as a grotesque abuse and manipulation of the English language. The land that our Muslim president describes as "occupied" was annexed during the Six Day War in 1967, a war launched by seven Arab nations in an act of aggression against the nascent Jewish state. In victory and according to the international laws of war, the territory was annexed and is therefore a legitimate part of Israel proper.

It is insulting and dangerous for a president of the United States to lend legitimacy to this revisionist history, and to actively give aid and comfort to our enemies at the expense of our allies is treason. Plain and simple. In saner times, this disgrace named Barack Hussein Obama would be impeached, convicted, tried and hung in the public square for his crimes against the United States in just his first nine months in office. But that's not going to happen because with the Obama cartel in the people's White House, we now live in a nation that rubs noses with evil and rewards mediocrity so long as it comes with a couple of fancy degrees and a fully functional teleprompter. With three years remaining in this presidency the only question remaining is, will we survive?

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm... May G-d bless these United States of America.


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