The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Inaugural Address We Need

My fellow Americans:

After four years of the most corrupt, morally confused, weak, and anti-American presidency in the history of the Republic, we join together today to recommit ourselves to the founding principles of these United States of America. In these tumultuous times in which we find ourselves, we must take a moment to articulate with force that which makes us the greatest nation in the history of mankind. And we do so without hesitation or embarrassment.

We still hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men, women and children are created equal in the eyes of the Lord; that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and, most importantly, that this government made up of our fellow Americans is only legitimate when it exercises the authority derived explicitly from the Constitution. Without that legitimacy of consent, we live under direct tyranny.

The time to reverse the tide of tyranny is long past, but we must begin that work with an undying sense of urgency nonetheless. And we must begin it from our first and founding principles. To secure the inalienable right of liberty we must secure for all time the inalienable right to life of each and every human being, for without life there can be no liberty. As such, effective immediately, this Administration will fully commit itself and all of its legitimate resources to ending the national scourge of abortion, for as we know without any scientific doubt that human life begins at conception, we must therefore accept that the snuffing out of that life is a direct assault on liberty, our Constitution and the will of our Creator. The government of the American people will no longer stand by and allow the slaughter of our posterity to continue unabated, and we will halt it with the full force of the law and with righteousness on our side.

We must also return to a proper balance between our three branches of government. For too long we have accepted the ridiculous notion that the Supreme Court, a court created by our Constitution, stands above that very Constitution and without any check or balance passes final judgment on all questions related to the Constitution. This is wrong. And it is blatantly impermissible under our Constitution. We also have a Congress that abuses its authority and passes "laws" that have no basis in the Constitution and without even bothering to feign the pretense of examining the constitutional muster of legislation being written by special interests. I also recognize that the power of the presidency has been perverted beyond its original scope. So, beginning today, this Administration will stand in direct opposition to any assault on the Constitution by any member of the American people's government. I take my responsibility as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States very seriously, and as such, I will not sign any single piece of legislation that runs counter to the written word and the framers' intent of our Constitution. Any veto that is overturned, thereby elevating unconstitutional legislation into law, will be met by my active efforts to ignore and marginalize it. As well, any court decision that runs counter to the written word and the framers' intent of our Constitution will be ignored and left unenforced. I will press with the full force of the presidency for the impeachment and removal of any judge or justice that engages in the practice of any philosophy of jurisprudence other than originalism. And I will push for the expulsion of any member of Congress in any political party that seeks to pass legislation that is an assault on the Constitution, direct or otherwise.

The American people are good and decent people, and we respect those who seek peace with us. We wish for peace in this time and for all time, but we will not pursue it with those who extend one hand in peace while holding a gun or a knife behind their back. We will not pursue it at the expense of our friends and allies. And we will never pursue it from a position of weakness though the disarming of America's defensive and offensive military capabilities. Effective immediately, I am ordering the redeployment of the missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, and I apologize for the previous presidents' efforts to alienate you in an effort to curry favor with Russian despots. We will begin to unleash the full power of the Strategic Defense Initiative, a bold and visionary policy articulated by one of our greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan, in order to prove to the enemies of freedom once and for all that we will never be held hostage by them and their pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Additionally, effective immediately, I am extending an invitation to the leaders of the free world to meet with me at Camp David to convene a summit of democratic nations in an effort to shut down the United Nations, a group which is hostile to liberty and peace. We seek a new beginning based on mutual respect and friendship and legitimate democratic institutions and we extend our hand to anyone who wishes to be a part of it, as long as their interests align with those of Western civilization.

On 9/11, the American people awoke to find themselves and all of Western civilization in a life and death struggle with totalitarian, radical Islamism, a repugnant ideology of tyranny that cloaks itself in religion and that has been at war with American since her early days. Thomas Jefferson fought a defensive war against the Islamic Barbary pirates, who were terrorizing American cargo ships and kidnapping American citizens, demanding we pay tribute for a cessation of their unlawful activities. Jefferson reversed the American policy of paying this extortion and decisively won the Tripolitan Wars of 1801-1805, leading to the Marine Corp hymn "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli." So it is today that we are faced with the same enemy, and so we must find within us the moral courage of President Jefferson to defeat this enemy once and for all. Therefore, effective immediately, I will be ending the Obama policy of Mirandizing terrorists caught on the battlefield; I will return the interrogation of terrorists back to the CIA, and give them my full support and gratitude to continue their valuable work. And I will demand that the Congress grant them the tools they need to do their job, and the protection under the law to which they are entitled. We will no longer tolerate the political hit jobs on our intelligence community perpetrated by the previous president and his corrupt attorney general. As long as interrogation techniques are authorized by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, we will use them to our fullest extent possible in an effort to defeat radical Islamism. Our enemies should be clear: we will not waver in our prosecution of the global war against radical Islamism, and we will use every conceivable constitutional tool at our disposal to win. In this light, I will be immediately reopening the world-class detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, and reimplementing the policy of battlefield detention of unlawful enemy combatants.

I never ran for political office in an attempt to "give" anything to the American people or my local constituents. My efforts have always been on behalf and in defense of the Constitution and in giving my very best to secure its blessings of liberty for the American people and our posterity. I am very humbled to be the president of the United States, and to stand in the shoes of men much greater than I. Our greatest president, the Father of Freedom, George Washington once said: "I have no other view than to promote the public good, and am unambitious of honors not founded in the approbation of my Country." It is and has always been in that spirit that I have humbly served the American people, and I will continue to do so as your president. But today I am committed to giving something back to the American people. I am committed to giving back to us all the great gifts of liberty enshrined in the greatest documents ever written by the hand of man, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. I am committed to giving you back your government, and with your support, the benevolence of our Creator and the divine hand of Providence we can restore America's greatness and return our Constitution to its rightful place as the supreme law of the land and the crown jewel of Western civilization.

Thank you all, may G-d bless you and these United States of America.


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