The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Swift Boat Veterans For Truth and Rush Limbaugh

In the months leading up to the presidential election of 2004 a group of veterans who served with or close to Senator John Kerry in Vietnam challenged the veracity of Senator Kerry's claims with respect to his service in the field of battle. Senator Kerry, the same man who would come home and use a baseless smear of our troops to catapult himself to prominence in order to win election, spoke of his valor in the face of combat, his winning of two Purple Heart awards for being wounded and his patrols on the rivers of Cambodia. Turns out, the men who called themselves the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (the Swifties) challenged Senator Kerry at every turn and their portrayal of events was ridiculed by Kerry and the elite left-wing media, but never refuted by a single eyewitness other than Kerry himself. These events were occurring just about the same time that Dan Rather was pimping obviously forged documents on the American people regarding President Bush's National Guard service in an effort to criminally influence the election. How rich.

Now, we have one of the greatest media personalities in history making an attempt to purchase an NFL franchise being smeared as a racist for quotes that were never uttered by the man, but attributed to him by the left-wing attack machine. Rush Limbaugh is many things (caustic, combative, feisty, demonstrative, principled, etc) but he is not a racist. Unless you count as racist the challenging of actual entrenched, racist orthodoxy of the left-wing radicals in power today. Rush uses hyperbole and extreme rhetoric in order to make points, but because they're conservative points that align with the classical liberalism of our Founding Fathers, well he must be a racist because those dead white men owned slaves. Nonsense.

Once again the rank hypocrisy of the left is on full display. In 2004 when John Kerry's (whose discharge from the military was upgraded to honorable during the Carter Administration... interestingly enough) personal recount of his service in the line of enemy fire was questioned by a group of men whose service and valor have never been questioned, the Swifties were smeared as liars and puppets of the Bush adminsitration. In 2009, when Rush Limbaugh tries to buy the St. Louis Rams, he is viciously smeared with quotations supposedly uttered on his radio show and yet can't seem to be located in any transcript or tape, all available by Rush's show.

Only in the bizarro world of left wing orthodoxy can tangible proof against a left wing senator be dismissed as lies while reckless and irresponsible slander and libel by the left against a right wing radio commentator be blindly assumed to be truth with absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up. Am I the only one who finds this maddening?

In their ongoing effort to silence anyone who disagrees with left wing dogma (including the reprehensible act of attaching thought crime legislation to a Defense spending appropriations bill), these unscrupulous, living and breathing human pieces of garbage have once again shown their true colors. Nothing matters to them but power, money and the tyrannical control of the American people, all made pretty by using the language of Reagan and invoking the sacred memory of our Founding Fathers. The men and women today who walk in the footsteps of the great Democrats of yesterday like FDR, Truman and JFK, men who walked the talk of bearing any burden in the defense of liberty around the world, are systematically dismantling liberty right here at its natural, national homeland, the United States of America. A senator who continually marries into more and more money is excused for demonstrably lying about his military service while honorable servicemen and women are ruthlessly smeared to protect him, and a conservative radio talk show host is smeared with phony quotes pimped by the left wing race baiters who consider themselves the arbiters of tolerance and decency.



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