The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Screwed Up

There is no doubt that those of us who were born in America, or who came to her shores voluntarily, are blessed. We are blessed to live in a nation of unprecedented wealth and standards of living. We are blessed to have the finest, most innovative system of medicine the world has ever known. We are blessed to be protected by the finest military ever assembled. We are blessed to live in a nation that has been a force for good in the world for over 200 years, a nation that has enhanced the cause of individual human liberty further than anyone before it. We are blessed to live in a nation whose roots run deep into the fertile soil of the Judeo-Christian belief system that presupposes the truth that any and all authority to govern the affairs of man is delivered its legitimacy from the hands of our Creator, and because of that presupposition the American people are uniquely equipped to lead the cause of individual liberty and lasting peace. By any objective standard of reason we are living in the greatest country ever created by the hard work and genius of man.

But we were sold a lie by our parents' generation, the baby boomer generation. We were told by people we love and trust that everything right about America was really everything that was wrong about America. We were told that human life isn't sacred, but rather that the truths of right and wrong are to be easily dismissed as mere matters of convenience or inconvenience. We were told there was nothing noble about the cause of motherhood, and that traditional gender roles that had allowed for the prosperity of humankind on a scale never before seen were really the efforts of white men to limit their wives to their "proper place in the kitchen." We were told that the traditional religious values of America that birthed and advanced the cause of human freedom further than ever before, were discriminatory, racist and sexist and needed to be eliminated from the public square in order to bring about what some label "equality" but is really the tyranny of a fringe but very vocal minority.

We were told that America was a nation birthed in sin and is therefore irredeemable, and that the great men who founded this nation conceived in liberty were nothing more than dead white slave owners who could not be trusted as any sort of moral or intellectual compass. We were told that our inalienable rights of equality meant equality of outcomes, not equality of opportunity, and as such banned the disgusting and inexcusable discrimination of black Americans and as penance replaced it with the institutionalized practice of discrimination against white Americans. We were told that the "rich" must be punished for the sins of "profit" in order to provide "equality" to the poor, the impoverished, and even, disgracefully, the lazy who figure out how to scam their fellow citizens. We were told so many things that are anathema to the American tradition, and because we were told these things by people we love and respect, we came to believe the lie. And the governing policy of the United States of America reflects this fact. But regardless of their force of law they are lies nonetheless and until we reject these lies and reclaim both truth and righteousness as the real causes of the American experiment we will never be free.

For too long we have allowed petty partisan politics and the power of political parties to define the discourse and direction of America. We have put party loyalty over America. We have put our own special interests over our opponents special interests and claimed the moral high ground, when in truth we have spent the last 60-some years neglecting the most special interest of all: American liberty.

The Democrats promise the fairytale of a world where everyone gets everything for nothing. The Republicans promise to administer the free goodies better than the Democrats. On principle, there is not a dime's worth of difference between the two political parties anymore. For every Democrat shaping policies that are destroying the dollar and bankrupting America there is a Republican polishing one that's worse. Fully out of the loop is the asleep at the wheel majority of American people who are finally waking up like Rip Van Winkle to realize that the country they'd spent their lives building and defending is being sold off to China piece by piece, company by company, entitlement by entitlement, and port by port. And now, with two political parties completely disconnected from the men and women who elected them, there is anger brewing. Deep-seated, visceral anger that comes from the knowledge that for the first time in American history, one generation will pass to the next a weaker America, an America less free than generations past, with a level of debt to nations hostile to American interests that can never be repaid.

So what now? If you have visited you may finally be a part of the aroused American majority that is at long last beginning to flex its incomparable muscle. The TEA partiers and the 9/12 marchers are the real American people. They are the ones who worship peacefully, who pay their taxes, who do the right things and expect their elected officials to behave themselves on the home front and advance American strategic interests abroad. The real American majority has reached its boiling point with partisan politics and politicians who are interested in nothing more than their next election, except perhaps for the next seductive opportunity to illegally arrogate more power to themselves. That is what the health care debate is about. That is what the cap and trade debate is about. And that was what the stimulus was about. None of these policies are meant to enhance freedom in any meaningful sense of the word. Sure, they use the language of freedom and traditional America in order to further their authoritarian causes, but giving bureaucrats like Ezekiel Emanuel the power to determine who lives or dies, and what care is proper to be administered to the American people, has nothing to do with freedom but everything to do with control.

To those who say, "Well, Bush had his chance and screwed it up. Let's see what Obama can do." I say in response: Forget Bush and Obama. They're the problem. Let's see what the American people can do because look at what we have done!!!! We penned the two greatest documents ever written by the hand of man. We were the architects of the greatest system of government ever designed by the mind of man. These were the men who signed their own death warrants, fought and won the War of Independence, and then got on with the business of unleashing the power of individual freedom. The American people have created more wealth and a higher standard of living than any other civilization in human history. We all have HDTV's and PS3's. The ingenuity and can-do spirit written into the American DNA have served to further innovation in every single aspect of our existence, from the horse and buggy, to the Model T, and all the way up to airplanes, iPhones and powerful laptop computers affordable by almost everyone. This begins the impressive list of things the American people have done and created since our birth as a people.

As government expands, liberty contracts. Therefore conversely, our inner cities, those bastions of liberal, authoritarian central planning, are on the verge of collapse into bankruptcy and criminal chaos. Unemployment is on the rise. The dollar is being crushed under the weight of oncoming hyperinflation. Our debt is out of control, and the Obamatons are looking to add even more. Despite the countless instances of massive government failures whose prices were paid in human life, here we are about to give more control to a group of people who can't be bothered to fix the things they've ruined before they set about the monumental task of breaking every other "toy" they haven't gotten to play with yet. Are we insane?

Partisan politics are ruining the greatest experiment in individual liberty the world has ever known, and every single one of us is responsible for it because we have elected, tolerated and even reelected criminal gangsters, whether Democrat or Republican. We have gotten lazy. We have gotten fat and happy. We have stopped paying attention. We have stopped thinking critically. And worst of all we have relinquished the truth to our enemies who use its language against us. We have put the party over the country, and in doing so we allowed power hungry would-be dictators to impose their own bone-chilling idea of the perfect future upon us, no matter the cost. Bills are coming due and the evil men who hold that debt will demand repayment in one form or another. The party is over, America. It's almost all gone. And it's our fault. We screwed up. Let's just hope it's not too late.

Next: Solutions


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