The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Perversion of Civil Rights

Once upon a time a great man led the American crusade for equal rights for all of the American people, not just white Americans. This man believed with his whole heart the central premise of the Declaration of Independence: that all men were created equal and endowed with the same inalienable rights regardless of race, religion, creed, economic status, etc. And that all of these men, women and children who made this great nation called America were entitled to the Constitutionally guaranteed equal protection of the law.

My how things have changed since Dr. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. What was once a battle on the moral high-ground of true equality has been perverted by hucksters of all types to be a war waged in the mud of demagoguery. Whereas Dr. King wanted all men to be judged by the content of their character, we now draw distinction of class warfare between "the rich" and "the poor." Whereas Dr. King believed that all were entitled to equality under the law, we now describe the murder of nascent human life as "the right to choose" as if it is nothing more than a matter of mere convenience. Whereas once we had the moral clarity as a people to define a mortal enemy of the Republic we are paralyzed by political correctness so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of those who murder in the name of the rabid politicization of Islam. Whereas once it was self-evident that marriage is the union, before G-d, of man and woman, now we face the wholesale redefinition to include anyone who loves another person. Or two people. Or more. Whereas once a person who mutilated their bodies would be referred for robust psychotherapy, now we grant it the legitimacy of government sanction and a fancy acronym.

But what about real civil rights? What about the right of the American people to be safe in both person and property, the bulwark of American liberty? What about the right of the American people to protect themselves, their families and their property? What about the right of the American people to work hard and enjoy the fruits of their labor? What about the right of the American people to succeed or fail on their own merits? What about the right of the American people to be treated equally under the law, instead of granting special privileges to specially defined classes? What about the right of the American people to expect their government to behave responsibly? What about the right of the American people to speak freely? What about the very first civil right of the American people, the right to worship freely?

These are the real civil rights that get short shrift nowadays because it's not politically correct to talk about them. Today we stand by and watch an American jihadist gun down a group of American soldiers and instead of collective outrage, the elite liberal media wonders what we all did as a people to lead this man to his rampage. Where was our government in protecting the civil rights of those soldiers who were murdered in a cold blooded act of treason? They were too busy promoting "diversity" to be concerned about the infiltration of the United States military. General Casey said it himself that the greatest tragedy of the Fort Hood massacre would be if diversity was another casualty. Is he serious?

Let's be clear. The idea that American civil rights include the right to sexually deviant behavior, self-mutilation protected by the Constitution, the redefinition of the institution of marriage, the right to murder unborn human life and the rest of the laundry list of abhorrent behavior promoted by groups like the North American Man Boy Love Association (yes, you read that right) is beyond ludicrous. If everything is a "civil right" then nothing is an actual civil right. If the Constitution means anything the regressive socialists wish it to mean then the Constitution actually means nothing. And if that's the case, why on earth did our Founding Fathers even bother fighting the War of Independence?


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