The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How's Liberalism Working Out For Us?

Not too good, should one choose to seek the light of truth. Liberalism has been afforded a seat at the table for reasons unbeknownst to better thinkers than I. Liberals, which is to say the politicians who perverted a once-honorable word associated with men like John Locke, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith and James Madison, has steered the American ship of state onto the rocks. Oh, they'll poo-poo that statement like the do everything else we say, and that's fine. But let's add up the scorecard, for the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

American children are stupider than most of the children of the civilized world, a reflection of decades of liberal meddling with the education of our children.

The dollar is just about used up like a dirty napkin, a result of a century of abuse at the hands of a monster created by liberals: the Federal Reserve.

We are taxed in myriad ways to fund broken entitlements which are bankrupting the nation, thanks to liberals and their dependency goals and taxation policy.

Social Security has funded a small portion of the retirement for many of America's seniors, the same people ObamaCare will sentence to death by regulation, is now dead broke and will pull future generations underwater before they're even born, and was created by liberals.

Speaking of future generations, our government spends its time finding new and creative ways to fund the murder of the unborn, a slate of policy brought to us by liberals.

Medicare, like Social Security, is almost bankrupt and threatens our very existence as a free people. Brought to us by liberals.

Christianity is treated with open hostility, despite the fact our nation was founded on the premise of irrevocable religious liberty. Who enacted these policies of religious hatred? You guessed it!

I haven't articulated anything controversial. Honest leftists would nod in agreement. The difference is they'd spend their time scheming ways to debase the English language to make you believe the lies.

On every test important to the fiber of American character we are failing miserably. And we're failing because of every rotten liberal policy put into practice over the past 100 years. America is objectively poorer for it.

Maybe it's time we reconsider.


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