The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, January 25, 2010

You Are Either With Us or Against Us

The TEA Parties have been misunderstood by both political parties. That's not really a surprise since most politicians think only in terms of politics and re-election. Their political moves are determined by their carefully planned re-election strategies. Not only has this resulted in a financial and monetary crisis that may yet destroy the dollar and with it the entire global economic order, but also the rise of a Marxist faction within our government that uses the language of American liberty to destroy it. These people are hastening our descent into tyranny and they must be stopped.

The TEA Parties transcend Democrat and Republican talking points. Yes, it's true that the TEA Parties are conservative in nature, but listen carefully to the TEA partiers and what you realize is that they don't speak conservative language because they wish to elect Republicans to the Congress and the White House. We speak conservative language because so did our Founding Fathers, and that is the America we believe in and wish to restore to its rightful place as the shining city on a hill!!!!

Scott Brown's election to the US Senate is being smeared by Republicans just as harshly as by the Democrats. By people like Alan Keyes, a man who I respect tremendously. Dr. Keyes thinks that Brown is just another RINO undeserving of conservative support. I couldn't disagree more. Yes, Scott Brown's position on abortion is a misunderstanding of the natural right to Life and Liberty to which all Americans are entitled, but Scott Brown's support of religious liberty and parental rights are the backbone to the revelation of the truth about abortion, and it is OUR responsibility to nurture Scott Brown and others like him to see the light of our position.

Indeed, conservatives long ago abdicated our responsibility to teach and instead we assume that others will understand our position simply because we hold it. This is the Obama strategy of governance. He believes Americans will "suddenly" understand why his socialization of American medicine is good for America. We should just shut up and accept it. Is that our approach too? Is that what Dr. Keyes suggests our approach should be when it comes to reversing 37 years of damage done to the American soul by the illegitimate reign of Roe v Wade?

The TEA Parties are about the restoration of the American soul, not about electing Republicans. It is a battle that will take decades to complete. We can either take a long-range approach like Marxists do to destroying American government, or we can ravage our allies like Dr. Keyes suggests. Conservatives are finally engaged in the battle to reclaim America with the right strategy to succeed. As George W. Bush said, you are either with us or against us. Get onboard or get out of the way. But make no mistake: we're not going anywhere.


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