The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Appeal to Jewish Americans

We are staring at the next attempted extermination of the Jewish people. We shouldn't be surprised. Anti-Semitism is called the old hatred, and everything old is new again, right? The thugs who lead Iran are very clear about their intentions once they acquire nuclear weapons. They intend to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. The Muslim Hitler, Ahmadinejad, says it all the time. Should we not believe the bearded one and his friends? Shouldn't we err on the side of caution? Did the Holocaust teach us nothing? Did the ashes of humanity teach us nothing?

We are Americans, first last and always, but we are also the Chosen People of the Torah. We have an obligation as Americans to defend liberty and fight evil, and as Jews we have an equal obligation to serve as a vanguard of defense against the genocide of our people. As Americans, then, we are uniquely equipped to speak and act in defense of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. We have the First Amendment to our beloved Constitution. We must have the courage to speak the truth. We must ask, without the slightest hesitation, why is Barack Obama purposefully engineering conflict with the Jewish state at a crucial time?

The dust-up over Jerusalem should've been a nothing incident, for no Jewish leader would agree to halting construction in the Jewish capital of Jerusalem. But Obama (he of the Black Liberation Theology church for over 20 years) has used Jerusalem to bully Benjamin Netanyahu. Anyone who knows anything about Netanyahu, a man who served honorably as an elite IDF commando, knows he is the least of all people to capitulate to such aggressive nonsense. That's why it's so obvious Obama is hoping to unseat Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel. That is the ugly truth beneath the duplicitous actions of President Obama. Netanyahu is a Jewish warrior in the mold of Judah Maccabee. Benjamin Netanyahu is unapologetic in his defense of the state of Israel. As it is, Obama must leverage American power to force him out of office and get a pliable left-winger like Tzipi Livni in the office of Prime Minister, the better to do Obama's bidding in the "peace process". So we're treated to the horrific spectacle of an American president meddling in the political affairs of our closest ally, just as Bill Clinton did. Why are Jewish Americans silent, then as now, especially with so much at stake?

Jewish Americans have an even higher obligation to exercise our First Amendment rights when it comes to our Israeli brothers and sisters. Jewish Americans sat quietly while Hitler was perpetrating genocide against our people so as not to invite questions about their loyalty. From the ashes of six million of our fellow Jews the entire civilized world made a promise to each other: never again.

What does "never again" mean if not an unrelenting commitment to speak and act in defense of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel? Surely it cannot mean that we place partisan, Democrat party collectivist politics ahead of our moral and religious obligations, can it? Surely it cannot mean we allow a president who believes in Black Liberation Theology to carry the day while homicidal maniacs in Iran rush to complete the Final Solution, can it? Does it mean we are to yet again remain quiet in the face of the eradication of the Jewish people in our homeland, the homeland of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

The barbarians are at the gate. Again. And this time they will have nuclear weapons at their disposal if we remain quiet even one day longer. If history has taught us anything it is that the survival of the Jewish people depends solely on the Jewish people. We are alone in a dangerous world steeped in the hatred of our people.

There is a stark and urgent choice to be made, a choice between civilized people and those who acquiesce in the face of evil. Every single one of us must embrace our responsibility to shine the light of truth on the darkness of anti-Semitism, before it is too late. Every single one of us must find our voice to speak in defense of our people, the Jewish people. We must demand our president end his acts of aggression toward the Jewish state and her people, and we must demand he take military action to end the genocidal dreams of the Iranian leaders. We must take to our shuls and demand that our Rabbis speak the truth about the gathering danger we face. It is our most solemn obligation and God demands nothing less of us as his Chosen People.

If we can't even do that as Jewish Americans, did we really mean it all the times we've said, "never again?"


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