The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Saturday, May 01, 2010

A King for President?

I'm intrigued by the leadership being exhibited by Representative Steve King, R-IA. Representative King did what liberals claim to love: he spoke the unvarnished truth to power. What did he say? Read my last post titled "Really, Congressman?"

The context is important. Grijalva is railing against a perfectly legitimate, constitutional law that commands the state law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law. The feds have abdicated this responsibility and people in Arizona are dying. The state government has an obligation to secure the unalienable right to life of its citizens.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, Grijalva is demanding a boycott of his own state because of this new immigration law. That's right, an American congressman is demanding a boycott of the people he represents, and their their businesses, their families, everything. Safe to say he's not acting in any of their best interests. So in whose interests is he acting? I hope it's obvious: lawbreaking illegal aliens, himself and the government of Mexico. It's the only logical conclusion. Grijalva just demanded economic sanctions against the people of Arizona for passing a law that will curtail illegal immigration. San Francisco has responded affirmatively. Need I say that we must pay very close attention to who else responds positively to Grijalva's demands? Our president likes to say "let's be clear" so let's. Mr. Grijalva needs to be expelled from office immediately. And perhaps Rep. King has gotten the ball rolling.

In an extraordinary display of moral clarity, Steve King said the following about Raul Grijalva: "He's trying to scare the businesses out of Arizona, or he's trying to get the businesses to change their position and press the legislature to reverse the law that was just signed by the governor the other day. I'm wondering if we look at the map of Congressman Grijalva's congressional district, if we haven't already ceded that component of Arizona to Mexico, judging by the voice that comes out of him. He's advocating for Mexico rather than the United States and against the rule of law, which is one of the central pillars of American exceptionalism."

I cannot recall the last time we had a politician speak with such devastating truthfulness. It's generally all spin and empty soundbites. But here comes Steve King, launching a withering assault against a traitor to the American people in the face of equal or greater hostility from the illegal alien lobby and the leftist establishment media. Surely a man with the conviction to speak with such moral clarity should be on anyone's short list for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Perhaps he is the darkhorse who will emerge from a somewhat uninspiring group of "front-runners." His conservative principles are unimpeachable. He has a lifetime rating of 97.14 from the American Conservative Union. He is an agribusinessman, like our Founding Fathers. I don't care to deify the man but why on earth isn't he leading the pack? I like Sarah Palin but with all due respect to the governor, she's no Steve King.

Let's elect a King for President in 2012.


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