The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Obama to the Jews: STFU!!!!!!!

Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court is pathetic. She's not even remotely qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, but she seems to have lockstep support by the Democrats. I know, shocking!!! These are the same people who opposed Chief Justice John Roberts, one of the finest choices for the Supreme Court in American history.

But there's more than just Kagan's lack of judicial scholarship and ability. It's her faith. She's a Jew, picked by a man who sat in a black liberation theology "church" for 20 years. A man whose national security adviser cracks anti-Semitic "greedy Jew" jokes. A man who has repeatedly humiliated Benjamin Netanyahu. So the Kagan pick must mean he doesn't hate Jews, right?


What Obama giveth, Obama taketh away. The "president" has a pretty obvious strategy of distracting with one hand while causing great harm with the other. On the heels of Obama's nomination of a token Jew to the Court, he was busy signing the US up for the blantantly anti-Semitic Alliance of Civilizations. It also blames the US for everything wrong in the world.

Who cares though! He picked one of us for the Court! He really loves us!

Yeah right.

Sit down and shut the f**k up, Jews. Elena Kagan is going to sit on the Supreme Court.


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