The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, March 19, 2007

Position Paper 1: God and The Constitution

The preservation of liberty and the American experiment of self-government is the calling of our time, and all times. The latest generation of Americans that has been called to defend freedom does so at a perilous time in our nation's history, perhaps the most perilous the world has ever known. This is not an overstatement. The threat of radical Islam threatens to destroy Western civilization as we know it, and there isn't much standing between them and a global caliphate. In fact, the only thing standing between us and the apocalypse are these United States of America.

I write (less often these days) about the two competing visions for America. One is the vision of our Founding Fathers, articulated and codified into law in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. This vision is one of liberty and self-government, the path to what I referred to in an earlier post as "ordered liberty", which is a concept that Ronald Reagan articulated more cogently than I did. The other vision is that which is espoused by the Left, one of socialism and unbridled government that runs every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave. We may not realize it, but the Left's vision of socialism is being implemented despite our best efforts to rein it in. Government's jackboot print can be found in most every aspect of our lives and the Left will not be satisfied until everything belongs to the State.

We must, as freedom-loving Americans, make our very best efforts to turn the tide in our favor. Some gains have been made, though small. President Bush has unleashed the power of the American businessman and woman through his tax cuts that have curbed the onerous punishment inflicted on those who drive our economy and create our jobs. He has also appointed two Supreme Court justices who, by all appearances, believe in the rule of law and the proper role of judges in our society, which is to interpret the Constitution and laws of our land, and not attempt to write them. However, the gains are small and the battles must be fought at every level of government, not just the federal level. We must renew our committment to the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution.

The path to liberty is simple, in my humble opinion. We must commit ourselves, and in some cases rededicate ourselves, to both God and the Constitution. It isn't enough to say that we believe in God and we believe in the Constitution; we must practice what we preach. Our Founders created a Christian nation founded on the bedrock of Judeo-Christian principles which has allowed us to create the most prosperous nation the world has ever known. The reason for that is also simple. They recognized that our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are gifts from our Creator, and not given to us by our government. For if rights are bestowed by government they can be taken away by government. These rights then, by definition, would not be inalienable which, as Alan Keyes says, means they cannot be destroyed.

Our churches and synagogues are the keys to restoring a legitimate, Constitutional government in these United States. We must preach biblical morality to our children and practice it in our everyday lives. We must return to the first principles of God and country. It's no coincidence that our national motto is "In God We Trust". It is no coincidence that there are ten amendments to the Bill of Rights, reflecting the Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai. It's no coincidence that the Supreme Court starts every day with the phrase "God save the United States and this honorable Court." These things are deeply rooted in our nation's tradition and history because they are part of the very fabric that created the American republic.

It is also no coincidence that since our nation has forsaken God and allowed the scourge of abortion, removed prayer and the Ten Commandments from our schools, and even, insanely enough, have had our Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional by a federal court because of the words "under God", that our nation has been set adrift. It is our failure as a people to acknowledge God and be thankful for His gift of liberty that the foundations of liberty are cracking.

As Adams said, our Constitution was intended only for a moral and religious people, and that it is wholly inadequate for any other. With every step we take down the path of licentiousness and allow our moral underpinnings to decay, we're proving ourselves unworthy of the traditions bequeathed to us as the sons and daughters of liberty. The time has come to restore ourselves to our rightful place as the sons and daughters of liberty. We must restore our national committment to God and not be afraid of being attacked by the Left for speaking out about God in public places. We must tear down the wall of separation between church and state that they have unconstitutionally created. And we must restore our fealty to the greatest document ever written by man, the United States Constitution. If we do these things then the American experiment will continue on into the twilight of history just as George Washington had hoped. Let us begin together.

God Bless America.