The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Patient Sufferance

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a righteous man and he should serve as our inspiration on how to confront ObamaCare as a free people whose unalienable rights have been assaulted. Dr. King understood that the foundation and promise of our Constitution were found in our Declaration of Independence, and that the two were inseparable. When Dr. King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963 he called upon the Declaration to compel the government to fulfill the "... promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

It's no coincidence or surprise that Dr. King called upon the Declaration of Independence to assert the unalienable rights of black Americans, for Dr. King understood what Leftists proved to us on Sunday, March 21, 2010 that they do not: without the Declaration of Independence the Constitution means nothing. The Declaration is very clear that the only form of legitimate government is one that serves to secure the God-given liberties of the people by following the laws of Nature and of Nature's God. The Constitution does not exist in a vacuum. It is the product of the philosophy of legitimate government expressed in the Declaration. You may not like it, but when you transgress upon it you act in defiance of the Constitution. That is what we must take from the "vote" in Congress on March 21.

Where do we turn when our government turns against us as they so clearly have? What are we to do when we are compelled to surrender our liberty under the guise of law? What are the American people supposed to do now that one our most intimate of relationships, the one between doctor and patient, has been transgressed upon in defiance of the Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence was the American colonists' response to tyranny. Like Americans past we must return to the Declaration of Independence to find counsel from our Founders on what to do when the people in our government no longer respond to the Constitution they gave us. Jefferson wrote, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

We have been transgressed upon, we have been abused and we have seen our sovereign authority as a free people usurped for the very same reasons tyrants in far-away lands throughout history have done the same to their own people: power. The abuse of process, the bribery, the extortion and the lies told to the American people culminated in a vote on March 21, 2010 that was nothing more than an illegitimate action by our government to seize power. It is, I believe, the place where a free people must draw an unmovable line for liberty.
Why here? Why now? Why not at the moment when the Supreme Court destroyed the unalienable right of the American people to pray in school? Why not when the Supreme Court "legalized" the genocide of the unborn? Why not when the USAPatriot Act was signed? Why now at this socialization of American medicine?

As always we must return to where we began, at the very next sentence from where we left off in the Declaration of Independence: "--Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government."

Patient sufferance. We have suffered patiently as a people for 50+ years and now, with ObamaCare, as patients we will suffer beyond imagination. Everywhere that socialized medicine has been tried it has failed. What medical innovation has been achieved in England over the past 50 years? In Canada, a nation whose premier just came to the US to have heart surgery? In Cuba, where people die waiting in line?

The American people have cured disease and furthered the cause of medical/pharmaceutical innovation further than the world could have ever imagined not so long ago, and now we're being forced to embrace a bankrupt system that does nothing but cause misery and patient sufferance wherever it has been tried? Absolutely not.

This is where we draw the line for liberty. Our history as a people compels it. We will not, as patients, be forced to suffer under the hand of an oppressive government any longer. We will, we must, take to the streets and demand repeal. We must stand on the shoulders of great men like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to demand that our government cease its encroachment on the unalienable, God-given rights of the people.

The Declaration says, "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Patient sufferance caused by ObamaCare is no light and transient cause demanding further quiet, patient sufferance by the American people. We are compelled to act in defense of liberty. And with the blessing of the God who created us all we will make this our finest hour as Americans.


I think it's time we start to consider the full scope of options available to us in the wake of the socialization of American medicine. It's clear that the fundamental differences between the totalitarian Left and the laissez-faire Right are irreconcilable. All we have now is the force of government pulling us in directions neither of us care to go. Socialized medicine is immoral, and it is being forced upon us by thugs who tortured the legislative process to secure their ill-gotten gains. I thought the Left rejects torture. Shouldn't they stop torturing the Constitution we love?

The Left wants to impose an agenda on this country that is alien in every way to what the Founders intended. We don't even agree that the Founders' intent and Natural Law should control the interpretation of the Constitution. The Left rejects Natural Law because it presupposes there is an authority higher than they are. Look at how they conduct themselves when they are in power. It's ugly and immoral. We believe in God and we believe God should always govern in the affairs of man.

The Left wants to open the borders to secure votes for themselves, thereby securing an irreversible hold on power. That's what "comprehensive immigration reform" is all about? The Left wants to reduce the standard of living for everyone by raising taxes and "spreading the wealth around." That's what socialism is all about. The Left refuses to drill or develop nuclear power. They want to cause the cost and price of electricity to "necessarily skyrocket" in order to influence behavior. That's what Cap and Tax is all about. The Left hates American and hates our Constitution. That's what "fundamental transformation" was all about in 2008.

We are being held hostage against our will. I know, I know, everyone on the Left and some on the Right will call me a loon. That's fine. It doesn't change the fact that the Left is moving to implement full control over the American people. At least John Dingell, Congressman from MI, was honest when he said the following in defense of ObamaCare:

"Let me remind you this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."

Control the people? Yes, that's their goal. It's now on full display for everyone to see, should they be willing to let the scales fall from their eyes.

We have a couple of years left to reverse course before the inevitable. The November 2010 elections are the most important in the history of these United States of America. In those elections we will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to live in perpetual slavery. We will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to live with elected "representatives" who engage in the ugliest form of corruption in order to seize power from the people. We will learn if the majority of the American people still love freedom and our Constitution. We will learn if the majority of the American people are prepared to follow the path of Marxism or Madisonianism. Tyranny or freedom? The rule of men or the Rule of Law?

But what if we fail at the ballot box? What if the majority accepts the status quo? What, then, is the inevitable? The inevitable is our last recourse under Natural Law: secession. The Left plans to do everything in their power to control us. I reject that. I will never live in indentured servitude. I will never forfeit my natural, God-given unalienable right to live free. If America is lost to tyranny then we will make it our life's work to ensure that freedom rings elsewhere. I am prepared, if necessary, to make it my life's work. I suspect many agree with me.

So to our fellow Americans who reside on the power-hungry Left, I give you fair warning: be prepared to let us peaceably go our separate ways. Let us take our beloved Constitution, and you can do whatever it is you want to do under whatever rules you wish to observe, if there are any. After all, Democrat Representative Alcee Hastings was pretty clear last week that there aren't any rules when you and your fellow Leftist thugs have the opportunity to seize more power. Maybe that's why he's one of a few federal judges to ever be impeached and removed from the bench (for bribery in 1988).

Be prepared to peaceably let us go our separate ways.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Nuclear Option

The Democrats have employed tactics the likes of which Saul Alinsky would be proud: the ends justify the means. Their socialized medicine bill was achieved through the ugly exercise of raw political power and it is steeped in corruption. They employed their grand version of the nuclear option and we are worse off for it.

The GOP must respond but we conservatives cannot lose our dignity in the process. Our nuclear option will preserve the rule of law and the will of the people. Repeal might take years to achieve, but we will achieve it nonetheless. In the interim we should be prepared to earn majorities in both houses of Congress by responding to the will of the people and promising repeal.

Once we do so, our approach should be to completely defund the entire enterprise called ObamaCare. We should be willing to shut down the government to force Obama to repeal this monstrosity. The American people are on our side. Let's use the power of the purse to defund ObamaCare in its infancy. In exchange for appropriations bills funding the government we will force Obama to sign a bill of repeal. As Nicholson said in The Departed, "No tiki, no laundry."

Repeal can be accomplished in 2011 by exercising the power of the purse. The Constitution will be our guide, just as the Framers intended.

Funding Genocide

Poor Bart Stupak. Dear Leader pulled a fast one on a man who seems like a decent enough fellow. I don't believe Stupak is a liar. I just think he doesn't understand the concept that Executive Orders cannot trump legislation. Executive Orders only direct the Executive branch on how to enforce the law of the land, which is now, sadly, ObamaCare.

And ObamaCare compels the public funding of abortion for the first time in history. If not, why the ruse of an Executive Order that was met with a collective yawn by the abortion industry? The Hyde Amendment does not apply to ObamaCare, despite the seemingly well-intentioned opinions to the contrary. Hyde is a good reminder that opinions often collide with facts. Here the facts are incontrovertible: federal courts have ruled that explicit Hyde language must be inserted into legislation for it to apply, or else the public must fund abortions. Hyde is not the general, controlling law of the land, hence the necessity of the original amendment (it's the Hyde Amendment, not the Hyde Law) and its annual renewal. That's why Stupak-Pitts (a Hyde clone) passed the House, and why it was defeated in the Senate bill signed into "law" this morning by the Dictator in Chief. The Senate wanted to compel the public funding of abortion; they defeated Hyde (Stupak-Pitts).

Yes, wake up people. Wake up, my fellow Americans. We are now funding the genocide of the unborn. We all now have the blood of innocents on our hands. If that is not enough reason to fight until the very end by every legitimate means at our disposal, means articulated in the Declaration of Independence, then we are not worthy of the gift of liberty and the inalienable rights written into our very humanity. We will deserve the chains that sit upon us, lightly we may hope.

We are funding the genocide of the unborn. That is the law of the land today. That is the dream fulfilled today with the stroke of the pen of Barack Obama, supporter of infanticide.

Party of the Past?

I read a silly article today suggesting that Republicans are the party of the past while celebrating the Europeanization of America. The author said, "Thank goodness."

No sir. There is nothing good about becoming a decadent group of drones dependent upon government. There is nothing good about bankrupting the nation, our children and grandchildren, to expand the nanny state.

To the Left, progress is defined not as the expansion of liberty consistent with our beloved Constitution. It is defined as the unending expansion of government. Never mind the truth that as government expands liberty contracts. We must all get onboard or be fined, taxed or jailed courtesy of 16,000 new IRS agents being hired as part of ObamaCare. Join or die has been co-opted by haters of liberty.

All that said, it's pretty ridiculous to be lectured as being stuck in the past by a group of people pushing a 100-year old idea (socialized medicine) that has failed everywhere it has been tried. Socialized medicine bankrupts nations and destroys the ability to defend oneself. The choice is socialized medicine or military power. History has taught us that. Perhaps our Leftist enemies were so busy looking forward they didn't bother to learn their history.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why Do the American People Tolerate Liars?

Let's be clear, as the president likes to say on his endless campaign tour, that socialized medicine fails wherever it is attempted. Britain? Failed. Canada? Failed. Cuba? Please.

So why are we trying it here? And why do we tolerate lying political whores like Nancy Pelosi telling us that the "Doc fix" is intended to expand access to Medicare?

Once again, let's be clear: the "Doc fix" is a massive reduction in Medicare reimbursements from the government to physicians who accept Medicare payments. The percentage being discussed in legislation running parallel to the great "hope and change" assault on the American health/medical industry is 21%. Imagine the government slashing your salary by 21% with the stroke of a pen and you understand the Doc fix. You also begin to understand the power they have agglomerated for themselves.

Barack Obama is a liar. Nancy Pelosi is worse. ObamaCare will bankrupt this nation. That is a fact.

Why do we tolerate this?

And who are the historically illiterate drones chanting "Yes we can!" at the latest Obama campaign stop?

As Samuel Adams once said, "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"

Yes, let us pray they forget.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Truth About Obama and ObamaCare

When companies like health insurers are given a pass by the government (both state and federal) to operate as mini-fiefdoms, why wouldn't they price gouge? They aren't really accountable to the consumers because the artificial market props them up and allows them to charge people a ton of money. People end up pursuing their basest instincts. Why is that a surprise to people who claim to read and understand history? This entire corrupt setup is described by the demagogues as the free market. Free? Are you kidding me?

By spreading lies about the Smithian (American) conception of a free market subject to both the Natural Law and its instantiation the Constitution the Leftists who run the American people's government are able to punish the private economy in order to seize more power. The power they lust for is the power to control the entire medical/health care apparatus. They have lusted for it since the 1920's and their lust has grown exponentially over the years. That's why they're raping the American people by acting in defiance of the Constitution (the Slaughter Solution) in order to get this ObamaCare bill passed. They are mad as hatters over it, and they have proven they have not reached the limits of the lengths to which they'll go in order to get it.

I wonder what these Che/Castro/Mao worshipping communists consider that limit to be?

As I sit here right now our president is lecturing the American people on the fact they shouldn't bother to care about "the process" by which ObamaCare passes. By "process" they mean fidelity of the Constitution, in fact quite possibly the simplest clause to interpret: "... in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively." The Slaughter Solution, which Barack Obama clearly supports, is so direct and blatant a violation of the very foundation of our constitutional republic, the unimpeachable obligation of our legislators to publicly vote yes or no on identical bills before presentation to the president, that anyone who votes in favor of it should be charged with treason.

This is brass tacks, friends. Our president and congress have taken the position that sweeping legislation can be conducted in private and without pure votes on identical bills. And they're blaming the spineless Republicans to try to get away with it.

Now does everyone understand what Obama meant by "fundamentally transforming the United States of America?"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Do We Need a Jobs Bill?

Why do we need a "jobs bill?" We passed an almost 1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) dollar stimulus bill which we were told was supposed to fund job creation. Remember all those jobs "saved or created?" Over half of that 862 billion has not been spent, so why is the Senate passing a 140,000,000,000 (billion) dollar jobs bill? Why not just appropriate the remainder of the original "jobs bill" (stimulus) instead of borrowing another 140,000,000,000 dollars to fund another "jobs bill"? Did the original "jobs bill" fail?

Or was the stimulus bill not a "jobs bill" at all, but rather exactly what conservatives have said it is: a slush fund designed to help Democrat re-election bids in November?

Monday, March 08, 2010

Obama Versus the Constitution

At stake with the impending vote on ObamaCare is nothing less than our continuation as a constitutional republic. It sounds a bit extreme, but we are living in extreme times.

Our president is hostile to the Constitution. He is the culmination of 75 years of progressive-socialist radicalism injected into the veins of the American body politic. These radicals have succeeded in perverting the mainstream understanding of our Constitution to the point where we argue about whether or not articulated rights receive less protection than the imagined rights of liberals. Guns? Yup, that's in the Constitution. Gay marriage? Not so much. Free speech? Check. Abortion? Not on your life or the life of the 50 million unborn children massacred in the ongoing liberal-induced genocide.

ObamaCare is unconstitutional in every conceivable fashion. The individual mandate is the most obvious part that mocks fidelity to the Constitution, but what of inserting the government between us and our doctors? Surely the "right to privacy" that protects the "right" to abortion has to protect the inviolability of the relationship between patient and doctor.

And yet, Obama doesn't care. The supposed constitutional law professor doesn't care what the Constitution says. Liberals never do. They're too busy exploring the vacant space to bother to read the document. And their strategy of teaching the living constitution theory has brought us to the moment where the public believes that the government can do whatever the hell they want so long as they have the cover of votes. As many have remarked, this isn't about health care, it's about power. That's what liberalism is about: power. Unbridled power. They don't care that 75% of the American people don't want this. They're going to give this to you whether you like it or not. They know that this 2700 page legislative usurpation of the American health industry is illegal. They just don't care, friends.

Do you?

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Obama Will Try to Steal the 2010 Elections

The trial balloons are being floated as we speak. After Chairman Obama finishes corrupting the relationship between the American people and our government with his "health care" monstrosity, promising a permanent left of center bureaucratic administration state, he will push for "immigration reform."

We have all gotten quite a taste of what this man considers to be reform. It's ugly and, as I said before I read David Kupelian's article, it's tantamount to rape. So we don't have to guess blindly what the Obama plan for immigration reform will be: amnesty. He will flood the voter rolls with new Democrat constituents eager to elect more Democrats to Congress.

Couple that with the quiet plan to implement "universal voter registration" (meaning felons will vote) and all of a sudden the awakening American majority will be overwhelmed by Obama corruption. We will be reduced to a socialist banana republic. Bankrupted and enslaved to the smooth talking used car salesman from Chicago.

Hope and change? Yeah. Right.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Forthcoming American Apology

Barack Obama has spent his first year tearing down America, apologizing to dictators and enemies all around the world for the sins of our fathers. He is rushing to completely corrupt the relationship between the American people and our government before the sands of the hourglass run dry in November 2010. That is the reason for the political rape to which we are being subjected by this man's refusal to accept that no means no with respect to the government takeover of the American health apparatus (1/6th of the economy).

At this point it seems highly unlikely that Barack Obama can be reelected without the chicanery of ACORN stealing the vote in 2012 like they did in Minnesota last year. Fortunately the principled Republicans who won in Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts won by enough that their efforts were irrelevant. It will take more from the American people to ensure the sanctity of the vote in 2010 and 2012.

So when the sun sets on the horrible Obama mistake the world will be owed an apology by the American people. Our allies in Britain and Israel have been shunned for Chavez and Ahmadeinejad and they deserve real humility on the part of the United States. It will be up to us to elect the person best suited to truly repair our image in the world after this anti-American political huckster exits the White House. It should sound something like this.

"For the past four years the world has been subjected to the worst we have to offer. While it is a humble American tradition to not speak ill of past presidents, a tradition not honored by our worst presidents Carter and Obama, I stand before the world on behalf of my people to apologize for the mistake we made in electing a man that trashed the special relationships we have spent decades, nay centuries, building. To the great people of Great Britain we owe you an apology. We cherish our relationship with you and look forward to rebuilding the trust between us. We humbly ask for you to return the bust of Mr. Churchill without delay at which point I will place it on prominent display in the White House. As a gift to you I present two busts of the men responsible for saving the West with your aid: FDR and Ronald Wilson Reagan. To our friends in Israel, we apologize for putting your lives in jeopardy by allowing the psychopaths in Iran to secure nuclear weaponry. Let there be no mistake any longer: it is the policy of the United States of America that an attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States. Any attack will be met with overwhelming and disproportionate force.

"To the freedom fighters in Iran and Honduras, we failed you. To our friends in Poland and the Czech Republic, we abused your trust and hung you out to dry to Russian aggression. This ends today. Effective immediately I am demanding the reinstallation of the missile defense shield agreed to by President George W. Bush, buffeted by the finest defense technology the American people have to offer.

The world should be on notice: the United States of America is reclaiming its rightful position as the world's greatest superpower. We are a peaceful people, and we desire peace with all nations who seek it. But we will not seek peace with blind faith and the dangerous placation of the past administration. It will take time to undo the damage caused by Barack Obama, but the American people are a forward-looking people. We always have been and we always will be. We reengage the world ready to do the hard work required to rebuild the trust that man squandered. We begin it with humility, the courage of our convictions, and buttressed by faith in the God who created us all.

May God bless us all, and may God bless these United States of America."

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Socialized Medicine, Insurance Mandate and the Police?

Leftists who support the government takeover of American medicine and health insurance often hide behind the police and fire departments to give legitimacy to the insurance mandate. The comparison is wrong.

The federal government has no authority to socialize medicine and force Americans to buy a good or service as a condition of lawful residency. They're trying to claim this authority by torturing the general welfare clause and the interstate commerce clause, but the Constitution does not permit it. We know this because the Founders were clear that the general welfare clause had no real operative substance outside of the enumerated powers in Article 1, Section 8. We also know that regulating interstate commerce means only making sure the several States play by evenly applied, fair rules. That's it. Nothing empowering the government to levy fines on Americans who don't buy this or that.

Leftists know that argument doesn't hold any weight with people who actually understand the American Constitution so they say "Well what about police and fire departments? You don't seem to have any problem with socialism in those areas. And I'm forced to pay for them even if I don't want them!" Bollocks. Police and fire departments are state authorities, not federal. And because we believe the Tenth Amendment means what it says we know that police and fire departments are legitimate undertakings by the people and their state governments. We also know that the Massachusetts experiment in single-payer health insurance is legal and constitutional, despite the disaster it has been since day one.

It's unsurprising that Leftists are holding up the police as a comparison for the government forcing us to buy health insurance. If we choose not to purchase it, Leftists want to be able to turn us over to the police. Remember that next time these champions of freedom propose some other "solution" to the problems they themselves have created over these past few decades.