The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Suggestion to My Liberal Friends: Let's Start Over

To My Liberal Friends:

Let's start over. On issues related to the Constitution, legislation, economics, foreign policy, taxation, freedom of speech, religion, the judiciary and on and on, we seldom agree on the right solution to our national problems. But we do agree that there are problems in desperate need of solution and sometimes we agree on what those problems are. For that I am encouraged.

And so it is in the spirit of my renewed encouragement that I would like to offer a sincere suggestion to all those who do not share the political ideology of me and millions of our fellow Americans. I would like to suggest we stipulate together a few basic points that I believe will help to heal our wounded body politic. First, let's recommit to the American ideal of a healthy, peaceful and vigorous adversarial political system. Second, let's agree to always behave in good faith and with honesty toward each other, and not pretend that all of our own actions thus far have been. Third, let's agree that the belief in the ability of humanity to unlock its unlimited potential for good must be counterbalanced by eternal vigilance in the face of humanity's demonstrated capacity for unspeakable evil.

Fourth, let's agree that action or inaction of any kind in an effort to solve our problems will do one of two things at various pace: 1) create upward progress toward the unlimited potential for good; 2) provoke downward regression toward unspeakable evil.

Last but not least, let's reinvigorate the healthy, American ideal of skepticism. But not toward each other for we have already made a pact to behave with both honesty and good faith. Let's be skeptical of our government. When Democrats are steering the ship of state, let's all be skeptical of the motivations of the Democrats. And no less so for the Republicans. Let's be skeptical of people who control our national purse strings and tell us everything we want to hear while quietly fattening their wallets and disgracefully ensuring their perpetual reelection.

If we do these things I believe we will in good time restore our shared patriotism and more often than not create real solutions to real problems instead of throwing tax dollars at the figments of political imagination. I believe this because we will be doing exactly what our politicians fear the most: We the American people will be working together.

Let's start over.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Screwed Up

There is no doubt that those of us who were born in America, or who came to her shores voluntarily, are blessed. We are blessed to live in a nation of unprecedented wealth and standards of living. We are blessed to have the finest, most innovative system of medicine the world has ever known. We are blessed to be protected by the finest military ever assembled. We are blessed to live in a nation that has been a force for good in the world for over 200 years, a nation that has enhanced the cause of individual human liberty further than anyone before it. We are blessed to live in a nation whose roots run deep into the fertile soil of the Judeo-Christian belief system that presupposes the truth that any and all authority to govern the affairs of man is delivered its legitimacy from the hands of our Creator, and because of that presupposition the American people are uniquely equipped to lead the cause of individual liberty and lasting peace. By any objective standard of reason we are living in the greatest country ever created by the hard work and genius of man.

But we were sold a lie by our parents' generation, the baby boomer generation. We were told by people we love and trust that everything right about America was really everything that was wrong about America. We were told that human life isn't sacred, but rather that the truths of right and wrong are to be easily dismissed as mere matters of convenience or inconvenience. We were told there was nothing noble about the cause of motherhood, and that traditional gender roles that had allowed for the prosperity of humankind on a scale never before seen were really the efforts of white men to limit their wives to their "proper place in the kitchen." We were told that the traditional religious values of America that birthed and advanced the cause of human freedom further than ever before, were discriminatory, racist and sexist and needed to be eliminated from the public square in order to bring about what some label "equality" but is really the tyranny of a fringe but very vocal minority.

We were told that America was a nation birthed in sin and is therefore irredeemable, and that the great men who founded this nation conceived in liberty were nothing more than dead white slave owners who could not be trusted as any sort of moral or intellectual compass. We were told that our inalienable rights of equality meant equality of outcomes, not equality of opportunity, and as such banned the disgusting and inexcusable discrimination of black Americans and as penance replaced it with the institutionalized practice of discrimination against white Americans. We were told that the "rich" must be punished for the sins of "profit" in order to provide "equality" to the poor, the impoverished, and even, disgracefully, the lazy who figure out how to scam their fellow citizens. We were told so many things that are anathema to the American tradition, and because we were told these things by people we love and respect, we came to believe the lie. And the governing policy of the United States of America reflects this fact. But regardless of their force of law they are lies nonetheless and until we reject these lies and reclaim both truth and righteousness as the real causes of the American experiment we will never be free.

For too long we have allowed petty partisan politics and the power of political parties to define the discourse and direction of America. We have put party loyalty over America. We have put our own special interests over our opponents special interests and claimed the moral high ground, when in truth we have spent the last 60-some years neglecting the most special interest of all: American liberty.

The Democrats promise the fairytale of a world where everyone gets everything for nothing. The Republicans promise to administer the free goodies better than the Democrats. On principle, there is not a dime's worth of difference between the two political parties anymore. For every Democrat shaping policies that are destroying the dollar and bankrupting America there is a Republican polishing one that's worse. Fully out of the loop is the asleep at the wheel majority of American people who are finally waking up like Rip Van Winkle to realize that the country they'd spent their lives building and defending is being sold off to China piece by piece, company by company, entitlement by entitlement, and port by port. And now, with two political parties completely disconnected from the men and women who elected them, there is anger brewing. Deep-seated, visceral anger that comes from the knowledge that for the first time in American history, one generation will pass to the next a weaker America, an America less free than generations past, with a level of debt to nations hostile to American interests that can never be repaid.

So what now? If you have visited you may finally be a part of the aroused American majority that is at long last beginning to flex its incomparable muscle. The TEA partiers and the 9/12 marchers are the real American people. They are the ones who worship peacefully, who pay their taxes, who do the right things and expect their elected officials to behave themselves on the home front and advance American strategic interests abroad. The real American majority has reached its boiling point with partisan politics and politicians who are interested in nothing more than their next election, except perhaps for the next seductive opportunity to illegally arrogate more power to themselves. That is what the health care debate is about. That is what the cap and trade debate is about. And that was what the stimulus was about. None of these policies are meant to enhance freedom in any meaningful sense of the word. Sure, they use the language of freedom and traditional America in order to further their authoritarian causes, but giving bureaucrats like Ezekiel Emanuel the power to determine who lives or dies, and what care is proper to be administered to the American people, has nothing to do with freedom but everything to do with control.

To those who say, "Well, Bush had his chance and screwed it up. Let's see what Obama can do." I say in response: Forget Bush and Obama. They're the problem. Let's see what the American people can do because look at what we have done!!!! We penned the two greatest documents ever written by the hand of man. We were the architects of the greatest system of government ever designed by the mind of man. These were the men who signed their own death warrants, fought and won the War of Independence, and then got on with the business of unleashing the power of individual freedom. The American people have created more wealth and a higher standard of living than any other civilization in human history. We all have HDTV's and PS3's. The ingenuity and can-do spirit written into the American DNA have served to further innovation in every single aspect of our existence, from the horse and buggy, to the Model T, and all the way up to airplanes, iPhones and powerful laptop computers affordable by almost everyone. This begins the impressive list of things the American people have done and created since our birth as a people.

As government expands, liberty contracts. Therefore conversely, our inner cities, those bastions of liberal, authoritarian central planning, are on the verge of collapse into bankruptcy and criminal chaos. Unemployment is on the rise. The dollar is being crushed under the weight of oncoming hyperinflation. Our debt is out of control, and the Obamatons are looking to add even more. Despite the countless instances of massive government failures whose prices were paid in human life, here we are about to give more control to a group of people who can't be bothered to fix the things they've ruined before they set about the monumental task of breaking every other "toy" they haven't gotten to play with yet. Are we insane?

Partisan politics are ruining the greatest experiment in individual liberty the world has ever known, and every single one of us is responsible for it because we have elected, tolerated and even reelected criminal gangsters, whether Democrat or Republican. We have gotten lazy. We have gotten fat and happy. We have stopped paying attention. We have stopped thinking critically. And worst of all we have relinquished the truth to our enemies who use its language against us. We have put the party over the country, and in doing so we allowed power hungry would-be dictators to impose their own bone-chilling idea of the perfect future upon us, no matter the cost. Bills are coming due and the evil men who hold that debt will demand repayment in one form or another. The party is over, America. It's almost all gone. And it's our fault. We screwed up. Let's just hope it's not too late.

Next: Solutions

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Happens If America Fails?

What happens if America fails? Think about it for a moment. What happens if America fails. By that I don't mean, "What happens if health care doesn't pass?" or "Do you think the Republicans can take back the House in 2010?" What I mean is, what happens if America fails in its obligation to serve as the leader of the free world?

In the year 1776, in a city that was first settled in the 1600's by the British and came to be known as Philadelphia, the Founding Fathers signed their own death warrants in the hope that humanity might become a little better because of what they had learned. It is perhaps the most inspiring moment in human history. A group of 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence because through their thorough study of history and bitter experience, these men came to understand that whatever greatness once possessed by the British Empire was gone, and the need for something new was urgent. These men waged war in an effort to create the nation, conceived in liberty, in which they truly hoped to live. This is very difficult for some people to comprehend, the idea that through war, it is possible, though likely not probable, that good things can spring forth from the blood-stained soil.

But it is inarguable fact that for over 200 years America has served as a force for the betterment of humanity, though admittedly America has behaved in awful ways that have served to slow this forward momentum. I'll not list these things but instead just stipulate they exist. Dangerously missing from the current political discourse of American backpatting and backpedaling is humility in the face of the fact that though the American people have done great things to advance humanity, humanity has not yet come to be defined by the inherent goodness of the American people. And the fact that there is never a guarantee that the things we do, regardless of our very best intentions, will leave humanity better off after we have passed on. There is no guarantee that passing another entitlement program that will cost this nation an incomprehensible sum of money will make it, and human progress in general, any better. And isn't that what we should be focusing on? Isn't that the real purpose of America's leadership in the world?

There is no guarantee that if we sit back and let the insane monsters of Iran get their fingers on a nuclear-tipped trigger that Western civilization will continue to exist at all.

There is no guarantee that if we dither on Iran that Israel will not.

There is no guarantee that if we stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons that China will not start calling in IOU's that we cannot repay. And because of that, there is no way of knowing how China will respond in the event we default on our debt.

There is no guarantee that if China doesn't hasten America's death through economic means that they won't seek to achieve it militarily if we default on our debt.

There is no guarantee that if an American president is forced to hand over American territory as a result of our debt default that its American citizens will not be forcibly relocated, slaughtered, or some combination of both as further retaliation for our destructive fiscal attitudes and behaviors.

There are some who cannot conceive of a future of forced labor camps and nuclear holocaust. They believe that we're past all that. They cannot conceive of the worst of humanity because they see the best in it. They see all of the good things that America has done for humanity and assume that everything they do in the name of progress will actually further the cause of real human progress. On the other hand, there are many who realize that even though we have achieved forward progress today there is no guarantee it won't be reversed tomorrow. We know this because awful things are happening in this world right now, awful things happened not too long ago and awful things have been happening all the way back to the birth of the human race. And because we truly understand the founding philosophy that birthed the great and good American republic, we understand that our rejection of it has set us upon a path that the framers of the Constitution warned us against. We know that it's iPhone's, HDTV's and video games today, but maybe it's nuclear holocaust and unspeakable terror tomorrow. Maybe it's all nonsense. Maybe you can dismiss it as the ravings of a right-wing lunatic. But what if it's not? The point is, there's no guarantee. And it's time our conduct reflected reality.

There is no guarantee that we will wake up tomorrow as free men and women because of the things our elected officials are doing right now. There is no guarantee because our elected officials are in the process of allowing lunatics to acquire nuclear weapons, and those lunatics will not be afraid to use them. These are the same elected officials who are currently selling the country off as spare parts to pay for their next big government scheme that will hasten America's bankruptcy while temporarily and dangerously relieving the American people of their inherent responsibilities as the stewards of the free world. There is no guarantee that we'll be sitting around in 50 years watching superhuman athletes on better televisions with our kids and grandchildren while we communicate telepathically and teleport to our neighbor's house for a beer, because if history has taught us anything at all, it has taught us that while humanity is capable of wondrously miraculous things it is also capable of extraordinarily horrific ones.

Six hundred years ago, the Spanish government attempted a campaign of forced conversion, forced relocation, and mass murder against the Jewish people. Sixty years ago, the German government attempted a thorough genocide of the Jewish people.

Two hundred years ago, Islam declared war on the United States and forced our newborn government to pay tribute or face the capture and murder of our merchant ship crews. Eight years ago, a group of radicalized Islamic terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans on a brisk, clear September morning in continuance of their hostility against the American people.

Somehow, humanity just can't seem to fully reject its capacity for the most awful things and fully embrace its capacity for wondrous miracles. For whatever reason, and like it or not, the United States of America inherited the mantle of world leadership and with it the responsibility to ensure humanity's progress, and we are squandering it quite spectacularly. If America can't pay its bills and concurrently cedes its status as (gulp) the world's lone superpower by punting allies and embracing enemies, what then? What if the American experiment ends abruptly, a day the Mullahs of Iran hope to hasten through their acquisition of weapons of mass destruction? What if there is no longer a force for good in the world, one capable of checking humanity's worst excesses whenever and wherever it can?

What then?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Outright Hostility Toward the Constitution

When asked by a reporter from where in the Constitution she and her Marxist cartel in Congress derive their authority to mandate the purchase of health insurance by the American people, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and third in the line of succession to the presidency, said, "Are you serious? Are you serious?" When asked the same question, Patrick Leahy, Senator from Vermont, said, "No one questions our authority." Wrong.

Madam Speaker, we are very serious. And Senator Leahy, we are questioning your authority. Who are we? We are the American people, the very same people who authored the Constitution of the United States of America. And we do it in the rich tradition dating back to the Founders of this great country who penned the Declaration of Independence, our announcement to the world of the American intention to never again be held in the grip of tyrannical "authority" figures.

On display in the halls of Congress and in the White House is an arrogance of staggering proportion and a hostility to the Constitution that is breathtaking in its audacity. For 40 years this hostility has lurked in the shadows of the media and American academia but remained without a voice at the highest levels of American government. Until now. Our elected leadership has lost any pretense of fidelity to the Constitution to the point where instead of a quiet, secret assault on individual liberty and American tradition we now have the third most powerful person in America openly ridiculing those who question the legitimacy of her exercise of authority. Before this assault was conducted with words like "compassion" and the idea of "helping lift Americans out of poverty." Now, apparently, we have reached the point where such colloquialisms of formality are no longer necessary. Instead we get, "Are you serious?"

Nothing is more serious to the American people than ensuring that exercised powers are legitimate and blessed with the consent of the governed. And nothing is more serious than our beloved Constitution, which created a system of government intertwined with the Natural Law precepts articulated in the Declaration of Independence. These documents are the hope of mankind, and have allowed a greater magnitude of freedom and innovation than any other government conceived by the reason of man. It is clear that those who govern us no longer concern themselves with these precepts and this foundation, and instead have openly declared war on the traditional America given to us by our Founders and passed down from generation to generation. They have declared war on the American people and have abandoned any notion or acceptance of the limits of their own authority in exchange for an arrogant and reckless attempt to fashion a statist, authoritarian utopia that history proves has no alternative but to end in bankruptcy and ruin, and the enslavement of the American people.

All that stands in the way of this war, and the 1000 years of darkness that will follow, is the collective will of an aroused people who still hold dear to the idea of individual liberty that is written into the hearts of every man around the world and specifically encoded into the American DNA. These men, women and children that define the sleeping, silent majority of freedom loving, traditional Americans roared with collective might at the TEA Parties all around the nation on 4/15 and at the 9/12 Freedom March on Washington that numbered into the high six-figures. Lincoln said that the American people were the last, best hope for mankind and he was right. The only thing we weren't counting on was having to defeat the predictable assault on freedom right here at home by the people we ourselves elected to protect that very freedom. So in answer to your question, Speaker Pelosi, are we serious? You bet your ass we are. And in proving just how serious we are, we will make proud all those who fought and died for freedom before us.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is NOT George W. Bush's Fault

I understand that writing a piece that is sympathetic in any manner to George Bush will not be well-received in some quarters. They believe, despite any reasonable evidence to the contrary, that everything about Bush and everything done by Bush (or others in his proxy like the devil Dick Cheney) is evil. I'll stipulate for the purposes of this piece that the presidency of George W. Bush is a mixed bag. For the handful of good things accomplished by Bush there were handfuls of bad things done by Bush. This is the same for any president. The achievements claimed by Bill Clinton as his own were mostly due to the Republican congress and with very little involvement by Clinton himself other than putting the pen handed to him by Newt Gingrich to the paper handed to him by the Republican Senate. This is not the stuff of George Washington or even Lyndon Johnson.

I'll not waste time or space discussing in great detail the good things done by Bush. I count the Chief Justice and Associate Justice as his two finest achievements. The rest can be rehashed later. The worst thing done by Bush was paving the way for Barack Obama to lay waste to the Constitution, and he did this by granting a wretched veneer of legitimacy to the concept of federal bailout legislation. It's unsurprising, considering Bush's belief that, "If someone hurts, government's gotta move." But lost in the past seven decades of American disinterest in all things Constitutional is the careful evaluation of what movement by the government is permitted by our founding charter.

Bush's 168 billion dollar "bailout" was a strategic disaster, but its morality and constitutionality are difficult to question. Giving the American people their money back is unquestionably a good thing, though some on the far left will debate that under the guise of Marxist theory. The problem with the Bush plan was one of logistics and forward-thinking strategy. Logistically, creating the bipartisan perception of a bailout was a mistake, as we have seen by the way the Obama contingent has put the Bush plan on steroids. In addition, the tax rebate given back to the American people was so small that it made no impact on the level of disposable income needed in order to reverse course of the economic contraction. A healthy income tax rate cut across the board, accompanied by massive cuts of wasteful government spending would've turned the economy around in no time at all. But alas, we play the cards we're dealt. And Bush dealt poorly.

With respect to the lack of forward thinking, the Obama team was able to say, as they always do, that "Well, Bush did it!" in order to give the same veneer of legitimacy to his 800 billion dollar spending bonanza. And that second spending bonanza is giving way to discussion about the need for a third. The slippery slope to bankruptcy is greased with the ink of American printing presses as our answer to meet these spending commitments has been the disastrous decision to print more dollar bills.

But appearance is not the only major difference between the approaches of messers Bush and Obama. The differences that need critical analysis are differences of morality and constitutionality. Bush's approach was to give the American people their money back in an attempt to stimulate spending, which would stimulate the economy as a whole. This is a good thing. The Obama cartel's approach was, as usual, to appropriate the language of conservatives in order to advance a hard core liberal agenda. Obama sold his spending binge on the same grounds, but in actuality his was a grotesque litany of kickbacks to union allies and other special interests that poured money into the Obama campaign coffers. Whatever we disagree on, we should all be able to agree that money that belongs to the American people should not be spent on extra-constitutional activities of the party in the White House in an attempt to secure their interests in the next election. The Obama approach is morally disgraceful and completely unconstitutional and if we have any hope of reversing course we must articulate these truths with force and respect for the other side. One thing perfectly clear, though, is that for all of Bush's failures, after Obama's 800B stimulus porkapalooza, the trillion dollar environment scheme and the trillion dollar socialization of health care, none of what we are sowing now is the fault of George W. Bush. This all can be placed on the back of Barack Obama and the 60-plus million American voters who installed this hack into the presidency.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Understanding Barack Obama

Barack Obama has a lot of people fooled. Good and decent people. People who listened to the man speak the language of Ronald Reagan and Dr. King and were led to believe that this unknown, untested and completely inexperienced person was up to the task of holding the most powerful office on earth. And in the midst of this deception, as the exhaustion with the presidency of George W. Bush had reached its apex, these good and decent people pulled the lever for a man barely qualified to serve as the Post Master General.

Some of us weren't fooled, but the purpose of this article is not to say "I told you so." It is an opportunity to shine the light of truth into the darkness of Barack Hussein Obama's soul, in the real hope that those who fell for the snake oil of false hope will awaken in time to stop the man before it is too late. And make no mistake. That hour is upon us.

Barack Obama's life is shrouded in secrecy, including his birth location, his religious study during his years living in Indonesia, his citizenship, his college and financial aid records, transcripts, relationships and even his drug abuse. To say nothing of the hypocrisy of the major production that the liberal elite media made of George Bush's past alcohol and drug abuse (and to be sure, it was worth discussion when considering the moral fiber of the man running for president), Obama's entire life was glossed over with noble sounding rhetoric that charmed the media establishment that was eager to help elect a Democrat, especially a black one. What better way to shame the nation for having had the temerity to elect Bush to the presidency twice?

Enough has been written in this space and in the rest of the ascendant alternative media regarding Obama's birthplace and the questions surrounding his citizenship. While no one in the halls of power has the onions to touch this hot potato, it's abundantly clear that enough questions exist as to require a full, independent and transparent investigation into Obama's constitutional legitimacy. But, not enough attention was paid to the truth of Obama's relationships and his hard left ideology in the run up to the 2008 election. John McCain was no help, even as his ballsy VP choice Governor Palin tried in vain to call attention to the things that deserved attention. No, it wasn't McCain's age that needed to be debated. It was Obama's troubling and even dangerous relationships that needed vetting under what most people would assume is the self-evident truth that a man can and must be judged by those with whom he surrounds himself.

Obama's formative years were spent in Indonesia, being schooled in Muslim theology by his socialist father. It is important to consider the symbiotic relationship of radical Islamic ideology (politics masked by religion), which seeks to oppress and even eliminate all those who do not submit; and socialism, which is the last step before communism, which seeks to oppress and even eliminate all those who do not submit. Is there any other reason why communist Russia would actively undermine the efforts of the West to cease radical Islam's brazen pursuit of nuclear weapons through the pathologically insane Mullahs of Iran? No. Osama bin Laden and Vladimir Putin are kissing cousins. They might disagree on the means of destroying Western civilization, but make no mistake, the end game is the same. The only real difference is that one embraces their idea of god in furtherance of their hostility and one rejects any idea of god. But both agree that the Judeo-Christian philosophical underpinnings of the West, which embrace the one true Creator G-d and have allowed the blossoming of individual liberty and self-government to the detriment of those who seek to exercise illegitimate power over all of humanity, must be eliminated. Without delay.

Upon returning to the United States after his youthful upbringing in traditions hostile to those that birthed America, Obama found drugs and alcohol and a host of mentors who hate America to the point of radicalism. His pastor of over 20 years hates America so much that from the pews of his tax-exempt church he furthers the disgusting lie that white devils are responsible for the HIV virus in an attempt to destroy the black community. Nevermind that over 600,000 people died in a civil war that was fought to end the ugly, reprehensible blight of slavery that pockmarked the first 100 years of the newly formed American republic.

Obama's college years are harder to analyze, as he keeps all of his writings under lock and key, his transcripts sealed, and his financial aid records unavailable for public consumption. What we do know is that after what appears to be an affirmative action education history, Barack Obama wrote his first autobiography. How impressive.

Obama's early years in politics were marked by support of radical communists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, America-haters who founded a domestic terrorist organization in order to bring about revolution through the systematic targeting and bombing of American institutions like the Pentagon. Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' living room, a fundraiser held to install a symbiotic soul mate into the legitimate halls of government. In order to further this cause, evidence suggests that Ayers wrote Obama's widely hailed second autobiography in order to propel him into the national consciousness. It was a successful gambit, as critics hailed him as the best political writer since Lincoln. What a remarkable accomplishment for a man who had done absolutely nothing to have written (or not) his second autobiography before the age of 40.

During his years in the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama continued his extraordinary propensity to do absolutely nothing, unless you count his support for the grisly practice of partial birth abortion and the criminal practice of infanticide. No legislation of note was authored by Barack Obama, and the man voted "present" on so many controversial issues that one can only assume he didn't want to leave a paper trail in anticipation of his ascendancy to the presidency. His years in the US Senate were just as uneventful, with his authorship of a 400B piece of worldwide wealth distribution being his only contribution, if one can call the theft of American wealth a contribution. Though he did manage to steal credit for the work of others and pat himself on the back, as was his MO during his brief stint in the Senate in which he somehow managed to amass the most left-wing voting record out of all 100 members, including avowed socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

The campaign of Obama was nothing short of prestidigitation. He managed to convince a substantial majority of the voting public of these things, amongst others: he didn't know anything about Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers or Bernadine Dohrn (or even Tony Rezko, the criminal who financed the purchase of Obama's house); he was motivated not by left-wing ideology as a simple review of his voting record would prove, but by dispassionate pragmatism that somehow, against all odds, never managed to include a single, solitary conservative solution, even ones that have been proven by history to be successful; that his administration would be focused on paying down the debt of the evil Bushies; that he would cut wasteful spending; he would turn the economy around; he would destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban and stop Iran's maniacal pursuit of nuclear weapons; bring the American people together; and he would run the most transparent administration in history, allowing the American people 72 hours to read each and every bill sent to his desk before he would sign. It sounded great after 8 years of evil perpetrated by King George, except to some of us it sounded too good to be true. It was.

Barack Obama has surrounded himself in the White House with some of the most reprehensible people imaginable. This is only a partial list: Van Jones, an America-hating communist; Cass Sunstein, who believes that the American Constitution can be used to justify forced abortions and the right of animals to sue their owners; Kevin Jennings, a man who thinks that it's OK for adult homosexuals to prey on young children; and Anita Dunn, who told a group of high school students in June that Chairman Mao, a man who was directly responsible for the deaths of 40-70 million Chinese citizens, is a good role model for pursuing ones dreams with vigor.

Barack Obama's left-wing policies are bankrupting America. The 800B stimulus bill has stimulated nothing except the pocketbooks of Obama allies in organized labor and other special interests. His scheme to destroy the American economy is not just being pursued through "economic stimulus" but by "environmental" and "health care" legislation that sounds worthwhile, but like everything Obama says is nothing more than a box of dog crap wrapped up in pretty, shiny wrapping paper. Cap and Trade will cause energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" (Obama's words) so that American energy producers and consumers will have one choice: get in line, or go bankrupt. His goal of taking over health care, 1/6th of the economy, will also result in the same choice: get your government-approved and funded plan, or face fines and jail time. He is dithering while Afghanistan gets worse, ignoring the general that he himself appointed. He has dissed our allies while embracing human scum like Chavez, Castro and Zelaya. He is consciously dividing the American people along racial lines, allowing the liberal media to smear those who legitimately disagree with Obama as racist Klansmen or Nazis. And he is doing it all at breathtaking pace, having only been in office for just a shade under 10 months before receiving his Nobel Peace Prize for emasculating America by going on a worldwide apology tour. Is this the change we voted for?

There are influential voices within the conservative movement who say that Obama is being pushed to the far left by Pelosi and Reid, and the czars he appointed without Congressional approval who seem to all have one thing in common: their deeply rooted hatred of America. This is wrong, and by repeating this lie we are walking directly into Obama's trap. Obama is the leader of this repugnant group of America haters who have seized hold of all of the levers of power. By suggesting all of these people were the result of a simple vetting mistake is letting Obama off the hook for the canvas of work he has spent his entire life painting. Obama was raised by an America hater. He spent his young life surrounded by America haters. He has filled his inner circle of presidential advisers with America haters. Those of us who stand proudly in opposition to this America hater-in-chief are providing him cover when we allow him to fire one or two of these awful human beings while he proclaims his love for this country and remains surrounded by a cadre of communists who have not yet come forth into the light of day. This is profoundly wrong and profoundly dangerous.

The truth is that we elected a man who hates the country he governs, and have provided him with the blank check of massive congressional majorities to perpetrate his permanent realignment and corruption of the relationship between the American people and our government. The only way he will succeed is if We the People allow him to succeed. A vetting mistake? Absolutely. But ours. Not his. Let us correct the Manchurian mistake before it really is too late.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Swift Boat Veterans For Truth and Rush Limbaugh

In the months leading up to the presidential election of 2004 a group of veterans who served with or close to Senator John Kerry in Vietnam challenged the veracity of Senator Kerry's claims with respect to his service in the field of battle. Senator Kerry, the same man who would come home and use a baseless smear of our troops to catapult himself to prominence in order to win election, spoke of his valor in the face of combat, his winning of two Purple Heart awards for being wounded and his patrols on the rivers of Cambodia. Turns out, the men who called themselves the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (the Swifties) challenged Senator Kerry at every turn and their portrayal of events was ridiculed by Kerry and the elite left-wing media, but never refuted by a single eyewitness other than Kerry himself. These events were occurring just about the same time that Dan Rather was pimping obviously forged documents on the American people regarding President Bush's National Guard service in an effort to criminally influence the election. How rich.

Now, we have one of the greatest media personalities in history making an attempt to purchase an NFL franchise being smeared as a racist for quotes that were never uttered by the man, but attributed to him by the left-wing attack machine. Rush Limbaugh is many things (caustic, combative, feisty, demonstrative, principled, etc) but he is not a racist. Unless you count as racist the challenging of actual entrenched, racist orthodoxy of the left-wing radicals in power today. Rush uses hyperbole and extreme rhetoric in order to make points, but because they're conservative points that align with the classical liberalism of our Founding Fathers, well he must be a racist because those dead white men owned slaves. Nonsense.

Once again the rank hypocrisy of the left is on full display. In 2004 when John Kerry's (whose discharge from the military was upgraded to honorable during the Carter Administration... interestingly enough) personal recount of his service in the line of enemy fire was questioned by a group of men whose service and valor have never been questioned, the Swifties were smeared as liars and puppets of the Bush adminsitration. In 2009, when Rush Limbaugh tries to buy the St. Louis Rams, he is viciously smeared with quotations supposedly uttered on his radio show and yet can't seem to be located in any transcript or tape, all available by Rush's show.

Only in the bizarro world of left wing orthodoxy can tangible proof against a left wing senator be dismissed as lies while reckless and irresponsible slander and libel by the left against a right wing radio commentator be blindly assumed to be truth with absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up. Am I the only one who finds this maddening?

In their ongoing effort to silence anyone who disagrees with left wing dogma (including the reprehensible act of attaching thought crime legislation to a Defense spending appropriations bill), these unscrupulous, living and breathing human pieces of garbage have once again shown their true colors. Nothing matters to them but power, money and the tyrannical control of the American people, all made pretty by using the language of Reagan and invoking the sacred memory of our Founding Fathers. The men and women today who walk in the footsteps of the great Democrats of yesterday like FDR, Truman and JFK, men who walked the talk of bearing any burden in the defense of liberty around the world, are systematically dismantling liberty right here at its natural, national homeland, the United States of America. A senator who continually marries into more and more money is excused for demonstrably lying about his military service while honorable servicemen and women are ruthlessly smeared to protect him, and a conservative radio talk show host is smeared with phony quotes pimped by the left wing race baiters who consider themselves the arbiters of tolerance and decency.


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

War Is Not The Answer

Of all the infantile slogans floating around the left-wing of what passes for American political discourse, "War is not the answer!" must take the first prize of boobery and historical illiteracy. Since the beginning of man's relationship to man, war has been an answer to many questions, such as ones regarding leadership, land, economics, politics, innovation in technology, etc. To be sure, it is not always the right answer, but oftentimes it is the only answer.

This childish worldview is rooted in the perpetual youth of the Left, who despite thousands of years of evidence and fact cannot reconcile reality with what they wish to be reality. And herein lies the danger facing the world today. While the Left remains trapped on the lawns of Woodstock, singing songs, doing drugs and passing STD's around like Tic Tac's, reality intervenes as it inevitably does.

Iran is on the cusp of acquiring nuclear weapons. A rogue, tyrannical, suicidal regime is on the cusp of acquiring the worst thing ever created by human hands, a weapon capable of incinerating a million people in the time it takes to snap ones finger. The men who lead this terrorist state have articulated ad nauseum that they wish to eliminate the Great Satan and the Little Satan from the face of the earth. And as the clock ticks they get ever closer to the acquisition of an item that will ensure their ability to do so. A second and worse Holocaust against the Jewish people is becoming more likely by the day. But, war is not the answer!

Russia has been posturing since the middle of the Bush Administration to reclaim what they perceive as their rightful place as a balancing world super power, a polar opposite of the United States. They declared war on Georgia; they have been helping the Iranian nuclear program with manpower, science and raw materials; they bullied our weak president into capitulating on the missile defense shield secured by the Bush Administration. They are aiding and abetting the onset of a new global conflagration. But, war is not the answer!

China is amassing a billion man army. They are ratcheting up their weapons systems and their own tactical support of the Iranian nuclear program. They are buying America and manipulating our currency in order to destroy American supremacy. They are preparing for an aggressive game of checkers while we sit at the table hoping they'll play a sophisticated game of chess with our Euro-lite "leaders" like John Kerry. Don't worry though. War is not the answer!

Afghanistan and Pakistan are deteriorating by the minute. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are reasserting their hold over both countries. They are licking their chops at the thought of the Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons, so they can be a proxy to a world-wide terror campaign that has the unthinkable potential to destroy Western civilization and return humanity to the barbarism of, as Binyamin Netanyahu says, the Ninth century. The finest American generals have requested 40,000 additional troops in order to wage a counterinsurgency that may or may not be successful. All the while, our president fiddles while Rome is burning. He finds time to push for the government takeover of the American health care industry; he finds time to push for a massive energy tax known as "Cap and Trade"; he finds time to sign 1,000 page legislation that no one has read; he has time to appoint the most radical shadow government ever assembled, with no Congressional oversight; he jets off to Copenhagen to pimp himself and his wife in order to try to secure the economic kickback that would arise from the Olympic games being held in Chicago in 2016. Yes, 2016! A global crisis that requires immediate action is staring the civilized world in the face, and this hack of a president is worried about the Olympic games of 2016??????? Will America even exist in 2016 if our king of narcissism and pomposity doesn't get off his ass and do something????

The world is on the cusp of unspeakable chaos. Our president either doesn't notice or doesn't care. He has better things to do. While he's talking beach volleyball and gets busy appointing communists like Van Jones and pedophiles like Kevin Jennings, the world inches closer to war. To the infantile left, it is never the answer no matter the situation and no matter the righteousness of cause. Realists know that it isn't always the answer, until it is.