A Deeper Problem Than I Realized
Tonight, I realized that we face a much deeper problem than I ever realized. As I was talking to my friend (we'll call him John) about the war against radical Islam and the battlefront in Iraq, he espoused the usual hard-core left-wing talking points: 9/11 was an inside job; George W. Bush is evil; Dick Cheney is evil; Republicans are evil; conservatives are evil. But at the crucial part of the conversation, after jousting back and forth for the better part of 30 minutes, after ticking off the list of attacks against America perpetrated by the practitioners of radical Islam, I asked him a very simple question: Who is the evil side in this war of civilization? Al Qaeda or our government and military? Needless to say, his response shocked me. He told me our government and military are the evil side in this war. My response was less than noble or polished: I picked up my 15-year old Macallan Scotch (yum!), said goodnight to my group of friends and came up to my hotel room to write.
Yes, the problem is much deeper than I ever realized. Not only are we fighting an epic battle for the very heart of Western civilization against the barbarians of radicalized Islam, but those of us who understand the threat are fighting what Newt Gingrich might call the Irreconcilable Wing of Western Civilization, those who are destroying our nation from within by aligning themselves with our enemies. This is nothing short of treason against the nation and our Constitution.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. was screetching during the Live Earth gala that the energy companies who are supposedly bilking the American people are guilty of treason and should be treated as traitors. What a joke. A "climate crisis" has been cooked up by a bunch of flat-Earthers who crush those in their path who dissent from their rigid ideology, but here we have an actual crisis pitting Western civilization against the barbaric forces of radical Islam all throughout the world and all we can talk about is a pressing need for windmills? Is Robert Kennedy, Jr., the scion of a truly great man, serious? Surely they must be joking, right? Would that it were so. Because our continued existence as a nation depends upon it.
Yes, the problem is much deeper than I ever realized. Not only are we fighting an epic battle for the very heart of Western civilization against the barbarians of radicalized Islam, but those of us who understand the threat are fighting what Newt Gingrich might call the Irreconcilable Wing of Western Civilization, those who are destroying our nation from within by aligning themselves with our enemies. This is nothing short of treason against the nation and our Constitution.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. was screetching during the Live Earth gala that the energy companies who are supposedly bilking the American people are guilty of treason and should be treated as traitors. What a joke. A "climate crisis" has been cooked up by a bunch of flat-Earthers who crush those in their path who dissent from their rigid ideology, but here we have an actual crisis pitting Western civilization against the barbaric forces of radical Islam all throughout the world and all we can talk about is a pressing need for windmills? Is Robert Kennedy, Jr., the scion of a truly great man, serious? Surely they must be joking, right? Would that it were so. Because our continued existence as a nation depends upon it.