The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro: Heretic? Or Realist?

I'm no fan of Geraldine Ferraro. Anyone who reads this blog (is there anyone still out there? :) ) will know that reflexively. She was a token selection for the vice-presidency because of her gender and was surely unqualified beyond that. But, nonetheless, she was a major party nominee for the second-highest office in these United States of America. And she's opened her mouth on a sensitive topic so we should investigage. Let's do so.

Ferraro, a Clinton operative, has commented that Barack Obama has only ascended to the precipice of the presidency because he's black, and that if he were a white man with his same credentials he would be merely an afterthought (see Mike Huckabee). Is there validity to such a statement? Is Ferraro a racist? How should we treat such a statement in today's America?

It's a sad commentary in America that someone who voices a legitimate opinion would be shouted down as a racist and forced to leave her post in the Clinton campaign. Now, I'm not sad that the Clinton campaign is crumbling, but as a staunch supporter of free speech I have a HUGE problem with what happened to Ferraro. She is not a racist, and her comments, while provocative, are not even remotely inappropriate or racist. The fact of the matter is that Ferraro's comments are TRUE!

Barack Obama is a political hack who surfs on the waves of the farthest reaches of the left wing. His voting record is consistently apprised to be the most liberal in the Senate. He supports not only partial-birth abortion but the abomination of infanticide (discussed in an earlier post). He's a supporter of oppressively high taxes. He doesn't support the US military, and in that regard he is hoping for an actively pressing for an American defeat in Iraq. This man is not only a hack but he isn't even remotely qualified to be president of the United States of America.

So how does he find himself on the cusp? Well, there are a few reasons. First, he is an extremely gifted and deceptive speaker. His eloquent dialogue preaching unity cloaks a dangerous liberal ideology that would make Karl Marx giggle with glee. Second, he's a favorite of the left. Third, he's black. Sorry, but it's true. The left believes in identity politics; there is just no disputing this. To have a polished, poised African-American candidate for the presidency excites the left even more than a woman senator like Hillary Clinton. And it's not racist to say it. It's just the sad fact of the liberal faction of American politics.

Ferraro was forced to resign, and that's sad. Despite being a sympathy pick for the vice-presidency, I personally believe her to be a woman of character and integrity. And she is certainly not a racist. What she is, simply, is the latest victim of the buzzsaw of the liberal machine that chews up those that dare dissent. For this, we are all the poorer.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Choice Before Us

As we approach the 2008 presidential election we should take a moment to remember where we've been and where we hope to go. I believe in America as a shining city on a hill as my hero Ronald Wilson Reagan did, and that America's best days lay ahead of us. But I also recognize that those bright days before us have not been promised to us, and that only by the grace of the divine hand of Providence will we be able to continue to fulfill our role as the land of the free and the light of the world.

The liberal faction of America sees fit to reject our solemn relationship with God, and in this upcoming election we cannot vote for a candidate who would continue to divorce America and the American people from our special relationship from our Creator. A quick history lesson is in order.

The Founding Fathers were devout Christians who believed deeply that the birth of America and its continued blessings would only be possible by the continued close relationship between its people and the Lord God of the Bible. In basing our Declaration of Independence and Constitution in the bedrock of Judeo-Christian philosophy, the founders provided to us the tools for self-governance and the roadmap to a beautiful and free society. There are those who would seek to erase the Christian history of our nation and smear our Founding Fathers as "deists", but any serious student of history will come to realize the depth of deceit in such a statement, and any serious conservative with a grasp of what modern-day liberalism is will understand just exactly why such a statement would be made. More on this in an upcoming posting.

So here we stand at a crossroads. I believe the American people are more than ready to close the book on the Bushes and the Clintons, so that leaves two choices in our upcoming presidential election: John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama. In the grand scheme of things, this isn't exactly a choice between Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy but we must make do because this is what a lazy electorate hath wrought.

It is absolutely unimaginable to me that Barack Obama is on the cusp of winning the Democrat nomination for president. Here is a man who is so far to the extreme left of the political spectrum that he is almost a fascist: he supports the supression of the freedom of speech (Fairness Doctrine); he supports infanticide (he repeatedly voted no on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in both the Illinois state legislature and the United States Senate); he supports an oppressive, regressive taxation system that will cripple the economy; and he supports an oligarchical judiciary that will rob the people of their ability to govern themselves as proscribed by the US Constitution.

John McCain has been smeared by many as a "non-conservative" and a liberal. Now, I'll be the first to admit (see my previous posting) that McCain is not the next coming of Reagan. But honestly, that's OK right now. Our mission in the 2008 election is to hold the White House while men and women of good will like Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Pallin and others ready themselves for the 2012 and 2016 elections. The future of conservatism lies not in the hands of John McCain, but by the next generation steeling themselves in the heat of battle as we speak. McCain is a lionhearted patriot necessary to keep the White House out of the hands of the left who will continue to wage an aggressive war against radical Islamic terrorism. If for no other reason this is why we must ensure that McCain is the next President of these United States.

To those who would rather stay home than cast a vote for John McCain, I have only this to say to you: enjoy a Supreme Court made up of potentially 5 Ruth Bader Ginsburgs. That should be MORE than enough motivation.