The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, May 26, 2008

On Memorial Day 2008

In 1868, the United States of America began the celebration of what we today call Memorial Day in order to honor the fallen soldiers of the Civil War. It was then a solemn day of rememberance, where troops even from the Union honored the war dead from the Confederacy. It is one more holiday where Americans have broken faith with our forefathers in order to enjoy a day off of work and fire up the barbeque.

Today, on Memorial Day, much like Independence Day, we neglect to think for even a moment of just WHY we have the day off of work. To most, Memorial Day means little to nothing. To most, Independence Day is referred to only as the Fourth of July, as in "Happy Fourth!" when we wish our friends well and invite them over for burgers and beer. Memorial Day is and should be so much more than that.

The ultimate expression of love of country is the willingness to fight and die to preserve the freedom we've been passed from generations prior. America, despite her flaws, is unquestionably the greatest nation in the history of mankind, a force for good in a fallen world. We are blessed. But why? What makes America so great? Is it simply the stuff we can buy? Is it our posh lifestyles? Is it air conditioning? Really, it is none of these "things", but rather a spirit that lives and breathes within the fiber of every American, something undefinable by words but tangible mostly when we recognize the sacrifice of those who protect our ability to live as free men and women.

How unique in the history of mankind that a nation produces men and women who volunteer to serve our country and risk the ultimate sacrifice to preserve liberty at home and expand liberty around the world? As Americans fire up the BBQ, open a few beers and celebrate having the day off from work, my prayer is that for even just one moment each of us would remember. We would memorialize those who protect and defend our Constitution here and around the world, while many of us are quick to fritter away our liberty, forgetting the valuable lesson that as government expands, liberty MUST contract. We are blessed that such men and women exist. And today, let us honor them appropriately.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We Must Paint In Bold Colors

"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but BOLD COLORS which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people..." -RONALD W. REAGAN (03/01/1975)

These wise words from one of our greatest presidents (were his words ever anything but?) have never been more prescient than they are right now. In 1975, standing on the cusp of the Reagan Revolution, our soon-to-be 40th president spoke about the need to articulate a clear choice between the failed promises of Rooseveltian New Deal liberalism and a vision more aligned with the Founding Fathers of this great republic. Today, in 2008, we face very similar choices and it is necessary to once again paint in bold colors as we near a time of choosing.

I'm no fan of Senator John McCain. I believe his notion of campaign finance reform stands as perhaps the greatest frontal assault on the First Amendment our venerable Constitution has ever known. His voice of agreement regarding manmade climate change rejects many leading scientists who have finally found the voice to stand in opposition to the junk scientific dogma passed off as fact. I could go on and on about the senator's positions with which I disagree, but McCain is the man for whom I will cast my vote. Why? Allow me to speak boldly and list the differences between McCain and Obama, the putative democrat nominee.

McCain: Pro-Life
Obama: Pro-infanticide

McCain: Supports reforming the tax code, cutting taxes and implementing a voluntary flat tax
Obama: Supports raising taxes

McCain: Supports strict originalist judges in the mold of Roberts, Thomas and Alito
Obama: Supports liberal activist judges in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

McCain: Strong on national defense and the Global War against Islamic Terrorism
Obama: Supports abandoning Iraq to chaos, and having a friendly dinner with Ahmedinejad

McCain: Believes in liberty and the power of the individual
Obama: Believes in socialism and the power of the state

McCain: Believes the Constitution means what it says according to the Framer's Intent
Obama: Believes in the idea of a living constitution

McCain: Supports and affirms the Second Amendment right of the individual to keep and bear arms. Signed an amicus brief in support of such right in DC v Heller.
Obama: Rejects the individual right of the people to keep and bear arms.

This is what it means to paint in bold colors. The choice is clear. While McCain isn't Ronald Reagan, who is? McCain is the only answer for voters who want to stem the tide of liberalism. Perhaps that is all we can ask for until we annoint the one who will roll back the tide of liberalism and advance the cause of self-government. It's either that, or we can hold hands together and pray at the swearing in of President Barack Obama. Ladies and gentlemen of the conservative movement, grab your paint brushes!