Leftism is About Control, Not Compassion
If ever there was a time to once and for all dispense with the farcical notion that what passes for liberalism today is compassionate that time has come, what with the authoritarian leftism being foisted upon a people who once were free. So please take a moment to observe the suffering of farmers and their families in San Joaquin Valley, suffering deliberately caused by American leftists. The truth is there for all to see, and my oh my it is ugly.
I drove through the San Joaquin Valley on my way to and from San Francisco last weekend and saw the end result of Leftist "compassion" first hand. The signs of "Congress Created Dust Bowl" peppered the freeway. Indeed those signs bear witness to the truth. Once-lush farmland has been turned into barren wasteland. Tens of thousands of farmers are out of work, unable to grow their crops to eat and sell for income. And Barack Obama, his fellow leftists, the EPA (the same Goon Squad that just ruled that the air we breathe is a pollutant) and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger are all to blame for this actual crisis.
There is nothing compassionate about people who would put the "needs" of a 2-inch fish called the delta smelt over the real needs of the 40,000 farmers and families who now find themselves forced into the humiliating position of taking government handouts in order to survive. Who are these leftist ideological crusaders who elevate animals to a place equal to or greater than humanity in the name of compassion?
Are they people like President Obama's "Regulation Czar" Cass Sunstein, a man who believes, amongst other dangerous fantasies of the "compassionate left," that animals should be granted standing to sue human beings in American courts? Because if they are, I'm sure the delta smelt will be filing suit before too long.
Or are they the ones who, like current Obama "Manufacturing Czar" Ron Bloom and former Obama "Science Czar" Anita Dunn, offer praise for Chairman Mao, the dictator who compassionately murdered somewhere between 40 million and 70 million of his fellow Chinese? Because if they are, they're well on their way to mimicking Mao's greatness by forcing some 40,000 Americans into starvation and destitution.
Or perhaps they share the ideology of Obama "Science Czar" John Holdren, who believes that compassion can cure the supposed global menace of "over-population" (which of course to them is the real root cause of the fraud of global warming), if only we submit to forced abortions and other Draconian measures of population control like putting sterilants into the water supply. Perhaps it's only a coincidence that manipulation of the water supply is a shared strategy to shared tyrannical ends?
Or maybe they're "Republicans" like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the man who bears much of the responsibility for bankrupting California and, to this day a year and a half later, the one who ham-handedly refuses to exercise his executive authority on behalf of his constituents who need access to their water restored (and make no mistake: the American people own the water in America). How nice that the Golden State is run by a buffoon second only in stature to our commander-in-chief, the man who couldn't be bothered for three days to take a break from his Hawaiian vacation to address the terrorist attack on Christmas Day.
Good men, women and children in California and all across America are suffering needlessly at the hands of do-gooder American leftists and their tyrannical policies of "compassion," many of which come to us courtesy of radical environmentalists. This has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with control. Heck, it doesn't even have anything to do with traditional liberalism, which actually IS compassionate. The problem is that these hard-core leftists have hijacked the traditional liberalism of the Democratic party of JFK, and in doing so have given the veneer of a once-great tradition to a poisonous and corrupt ideological crusade that has become a cancer to the Republic.
In case you've missed it, this cancer is the fundamental transformation of the United States we were promised during the 2008 presidential campaign.
The suffering leftism is causing is real, and because it is real it is time for us to ask ourselves with whom we stand. Our families, friends, neighbors and fellow countrymen who just want their water turned back on? Or the delta smelt.
American leftists have made their choices.
What say you?
I drove through the San Joaquin Valley on my way to and from San Francisco last weekend and saw the end result of Leftist "compassion" first hand. The signs of "Congress Created Dust Bowl" peppered the freeway. Indeed those signs bear witness to the truth. Once-lush farmland has been turned into barren wasteland. Tens of thousands of farmers are out of work, unable to grow their crops to eat and sell for income. And Barack Obama, his fellow leftists, the EPA (the same Goon Squad that just ruled that the air we breathe is a pollutant) and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger are all to blame for this actual crisis.
There is nothing compassionate about people who would put the "needs" of a 2-inch fish called the delta smelt over the real needs of the 40,000 farmers and families who now find themselves forced into the humiliating position of taking government handouts in order to survive. Who are these leftist ideological crusaders who elevate animals to a place equal to or greater than humanity in the name of compassion?
Are they people like President Obama's "Regulation Czar" Cass Sunstein, a man who believes, amongst other dangerous fantasies of the "compassionate left," that animals should be granted standing to sue human beings in American courts? Because if they are, I'm sure the delta smelt will be filing suit before too long.
Or are they the ones who, like current Obama "Manufacturing Czar" Ron Bloom and former Obama "Science Czar" Anita Dunn, offer praise for Chairman Mao, the dictator who compassionately murdered somewhere between 40 million and 70 million of his fellow Chinese? Because if they are, they're well on their way to mimicking Mao's greatness by forcing some 40,000 Americans into starvation and destitution.
Or perhaps they share the ideology of Obama "Science Czar" John Holdren, who believes that compassion can cure the supposed global menace of "over-population" (which of course to them is the real root cause of the fraud of global warming), if only we submit to forced abortions and other Draconian measures of population control like putting sterilants into the water supply. Perhaps it's only a coincidence that manipulation of the water supply is a shared strategy to shared tyrannical ends?
Or maybe they're "Republicans" like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the man who bears much of the responsibility for bankrupting California and, to this day a year and a half later, the one who ham-handedly refuses to exercise his executive authority on behalf of his constituents who need access to their water restored (and make no mistake: the American people own the water in America). How nice that the Golden State is run by a buffoon second only in stature to our commander-in-chief, the man who couldn't be bothered for three days to take a break from his Hawaiian vacation to address the terrorist attack on Christmas Day.
Good men, women and children in California and all across America are suffering needlessly at the hands of do-gooder American leftists and their tyrannical policies of "compassion," many of which come to us courtesy of radical environmentalists. This has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with control. Heck, it doesn't even have anything to do with traditional liberalism, which actually IS compassionate. The problem is that these hard-core leftists have hijacked the traditional liberalism of the Democratic party of JFK, and in doing so have given the veneer of a once-great tradition to a poisonous and corrupt ideological crusade that has become a cancer to the Republic.
In case you've missed it, this cancer is the fundamental transformation of the United States we were promised during the 2008 presidential campaign.
The suffering leftism is causing is real, and because it is real it is time for us to ask ourselves with whom we stand. Our families, friends, neighbors and fellow countrymen who just want their water turned back on? Or the delta smelt.
American leftists have made their choices.
What say you?