Position Paper 3: Immigration
It is very easy to demagogue the issue of immigration. Example: those of us who believe in the rule of law, border security and interior enforcement are called "anti-immigrant" or even worse, "racist". It's very easy to use these terms to force the debate to be viewed through a very narrow lens, as no one wants to be thought a racist (unless one actually IS a racist, in which case that person probably doesn't care) or anti-immigrant. As someone who touches the legal immigration process every day of my working life, and has for the past 5 years, I can say that I am personally very much in favor of legal immigration. It's actually one of my favorite parts of my job, bringing people into these United States to perform high-level work that helps to drive the entertainment industry. If I were to guess, I'd say that in the last 2 years I've immigrated approximately 75 people into these United States. It's very demanding, rewarding, and extremely time-consuming work. Nevertheless, I enjoy being part of the process, especially when someone gives me a heartfelt hug and says "thank you" for helping to bring them into our country to share a slice of the American dream.
But the dream is being hijacked by those who choose not to play by the rules. Those who sneak across our sovereign border in the dead of night (or in broad daylight for that matter) to "do the jobs that Americans won't do" as our president so insultingly says, are shoplifting the American dream from those who stand in line and wait their turn, patiently, for a day that might never come. Illegal immigration is slap in the face of those who believe in the rule of law and seek to come here through the proper channels like the folks that I help immigrate into the US. And let's be serious: while Mexicans are hard workers, they're not taking jobs that Americans won't do. They're taking jobs that Americans won't do at the serf-class wages that are being offered to illegal Mexican immigrants by their wealthy masters enjoying their ivory-tower lives, but need cheap labor to mow their lawns. By artificially depressing wages, the illegal immigrants are forcing American workers onto welfare, in addition to those same illegal immigrants being a net drain on society as well. Should you seek to do research on this irrefutable fact, go here:
Three paragraphs in and I haven't even touched on the fact that there are illegal immigrants who have come here to murder Americans in the name of Allah, and radical Islam. Look no further than the Fort Dix Six, a group of illegals who were plotting to kill American soldiers stationed at Fort Dix, NJ. How many more have come here because we haven't been serious about securing our borders or interior enforcement for the past 40 years (coincidentally, the last time Ted Kennedy took on comprehensive immigration reform). When are we going to wake up to the threat that walks among us? When the mushroom cloud rises over an American city?
America is the melting pot. Immigration has served us well in the past and will serve us well into the future if we get serious about securing our borders and enforcing the law, as well as retaking control over who gets to come here in the first place. And with all that in mind, here is my prescription for America's immigration crisis.
Enforce the law: Borders, ports and interior (fence where necessary)
We cannot begin a serious discussion about what to do with the illegals among us if we don't regain control of our borders, ports and interior. It is essential that the president discharges his constitutional duty and enforces the immigration laws of border security and interior enforcement that are already on the books. The president must also get serious about deporting illegal alien criminals who walk among us. The president must also stop his ridiculous policy of prosecuting law-abiding Border Patrol agents who are faithfully executing their duties, but perhaps forgot to file the necessary paperwork. I speak of Ramos and Compean, who are sitting in jail, in solitary confinement, for 10 years for shooting a drug runner who was granted full immunity to testify against these men of valor. This is a disgrace.
Triple the size of our Border Patrol
More boots on the ground is key. Also, we need to unshackle these brave Americans and allow them to do their jobs.
Station the National Guard on our borders
Until we have full control over our borders and the appropriate sized Border Patrol, this is a must.
Harsh penalties and fines on employers who hire illegal immigrants
Prosecute businesses and persons who hire illegal aliens, whether it's a corporation or Johnny Millionaire in Bel Aire getting his hedges trimmed. This is the best way to end illegal immigration. Jail time and punitive fines. End of story.
Tamper-proof nationalized ID card for immigrants (but NOT US citizens)
I think this one speaks for itself.
Limited guest worker program with a time limit once the borders are secure
I'd be willing to allow those who have come here illegally (and committed no other misdemeaor or felony) to return to their home country, come here through an orderly process on a temporary guest worker program. Two years, renewable once.
No path to citizenship for any illegal alien
Sorry, you broke the law.
Formally declare English to be our national language, and end the policy of multi-lingual government and schooling
Immediate assimilation
If these illegal aliens are truly serious about coming to America, they should assimilate into the American culture.
Codify into law that the 14th Amendment's provision of citizenship does not transmit to a child born of parents who came here illegally.
The 14th Amendment states that only persons under the jurisdiction of the United States are covered by this provision. Those who come here illegally, and thus their offspring, are not.
Illegal immigration must be stopped if we're serious about continuing to exist as a nation. We're on the verge of committing national suicide if we continue to allow things as they are. The American people overwhelmingly support legal immigration, so let's pray that our elected leaders stop race-bating, solve the problem of ILLEGAL immigration and prove they're worthy of holding the offices to which we've elected them. If not, heaven help them come November. Because the American people are watching their government.
But the dream is being hijacked by those who choose not to play by the rules. Those who sneak across our sovereign border in the dead of night (or in broad daylight for that matter) to "do the jobs that Americans won't do" as our president so insultingly says, are shoplifting the American dream from those who stand in line and wait their turn, patiently, for a day that might never come. Illegal immigration is slap in the face of those who believe in the rule of law and seek to come here through the proper channels like the folks that I help immigrate into the US. And let's be serious: while Mexicans are hard workers, they're not taking jobs that Americans won't do. They're taking jobs that Americans won't do at the serf-class wages that are being offered to illegal Mexican immigrants by their wealthy masters enjoying their ivory-tower lives, but need cheap labor to mow their lawns. By artificially depressing wages, the illegal immigrants are forcing American workers onto welfare, in addition to those same illegal immigrants being a net drain on society as well. Should you seek to do research on this irrefutable fact, go here:
Three paragraphs in and I haven't even touched on the fact that there are illegal immigrants who have come here to murder Americans in the name of Allah, and radical Islam. Look no further than the Fort Dix Six, a group of illegals who were plotting to kill American soldiers stationed at Fort Dix, NJ. How many more have come here because we haven't been serious about securing our borders or interior enforcement for the past 40 years (coincidentally, the last time Ted Kennedy took on comprehensive immigration reform). When are we going to wake up to the threat that walks among us? When the mushroom cloud rises over an American city?
America is the melting pot. Immigration has served us well in the past and will serve us well into the future if we get serious about securing our borders and enforcing the law, as well as retaking control over who gets to come here in the first place. And with all that in mind, here is my prescription for America's immigration crisis.
Enforce the law: Borders, ports and interior (fence where necessary)
We cannot begin a serious discussion about what to do with the illegals among us if we don't regain control of our borders, ports and interior. It is essential that the president discharges his constitutional duty and enforces the immigration laws of border security and interior enforcement that are already on the books. The president must also get serious about deporting illegal alien criminals who walk among us. The president must also stop his ridiculous policy of prosecuting law-abiding Border Patrol agents who are faithfully executing their duties, but perhaps forgot to file the necessary paperwork. I speak of Ramos and Compean, who are sitting in jail, in solitary confinement, for 10 years for shooting a drug runner who was granted full immunity to testify against these men of valor. This is a disgrace.
Triple the size of our Border Patrol
More boots on the ground is key. Also, we need to unshackle these brave Americans and allow them to do their jobs.
Station the National Guard on our borders
Until we have full control over our borders and the appropriate sized Border Patrol, this is a must.
Harsh penalties and fines on employers who hire illegal immigrants
Prosecute businesses and persons who hire illegal aliens, whether it's a corporation or Johnny Millionaire in Bel Aire getting his hedges trimmed. This is the best way to end illegal immigration. Jail time and punitive fines. End of story.
Tamper-proof nationalized ID card for immigrants (but NOT US citizens)
I think this one speaks for itself.
Limited guest worker program with a time limit once the borders are secure
I'd be willing to allow those who have come here illegally (and committed no other misdemeaor or felony) to return to their home country, come here through an orderly process on a temporary guest worker program. Two years, renewable once.
No path to citizenship for any illegal alien
Sorry, you broke the law.
Formally declare English to be our national language, and end the policy of multi-lingual government and schooling
Immediate assimilation
If these illegal aliens are truly serious about coming to America, they should assimilate into the American culture.
Codify into law that the 14th Amendment's provision of citizenship does not transmit to a child born of parents who came here illegally.
The 14th Amendment states that only persons under the jurisdiction of the United States are covered by this provision. Those who come here illegally, and thus their offspring, are not.
Illegal immigration must be stopped if we're serious about continuing to exist as a nation. We're on the verge of committing national suicide if we continue to allow things as they are. The American people overwhelmingly support legal immigration, so let's pray that our elected leaders stop race-bating, solve the problem of ILLEGAL immigration and prove they're worthy of holding the offices to which we've elected them. If not, heaven help them come November. Because the American people are watching their government.