The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paul Ryan, Republican Superstar

I loathe the political cult of personality. Said cult is the reason Barack Obama, a man with a resume thinner than the sheet of paper upon which it's written, is now president of the United States. It's also the reason he got his lunch handed to him today by Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan took the Democrat plan to socialize American medicine and in roughly 6 minutes destroyed it. Completely. Ryan was a man so in charge of the facts that Obama could do nothing but sit with his for-once downward tilted chin in his hand and scowl. And then change the subject.

The representative from Wisconsin's 1st district is a numbers guy and a policy wonk. He seems to have as firm a grasp on the nation's coming fiscal apocalypse as anyone, and he has actually presented a credible plan to address it. And by credible I mean a plan that returns liberty back to the hands of the American people where it belongs. Paul Ryan's Road Map isn't perfect (no plan is or could be) but the man has brought forth something in good faith that should serve as the foundation for real reform.

There is nothing good to be said about the dependency culture bred by Democrats, and the outright Marxism of our current president. Heck, even Pravda is laughing at us. Ryan's plan does what any plan by the federal government should: secure the unalienable rights of the American people. No more and no less.

Today we witnessed the birth of a star in the Republican party, and the dimming of the brightest (and only) star of the Democrat party. All of a sudden the rudderless stupid party has a top tier of talent that can be trusted to do the hard work of restoring American's greatness. Ryan; Christie; McDonnell; Palin; Cantor; Brown; Jindal; etc. Come November the American people will be ready to rally around champions of liberty and American greatness.

The Revolution is just beginning.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How's Liberalism Working Out For Us?

Not too good, should one choose to seek the light of truth. Liberalism has been afforded a seat at the table for reasons unbeknownst to better thinkers than I. Liberals, which is to say the politicians who perverted a once-honorable word associated with men like John Locke, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith and James Madison, has steered the American ship of state onto the rocks. Oh, they'll poo-poo that statement like the do everything else we say, and that's fine. But let's add up the scorecard, for the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

American children are stupider than most of the children of the civilized world, a reflection of decades of liberal meddling with the education of our children.

The dollar is just about used up like a dirty napkin, a result of a century of abuse at the hands of a monster created by liberals: the Federal Reserve.

We are taxed in myriad ways to fund broken entitlements which are bankrupting the nation, thanks to liberals and their dependency goals and taxation policy.

Social Security has funded a small portion of the retirement for many of America's seniors, the same people ObamaCare will sentence to death by regulation, is now dead broke and will pull future generations underwater before they're even born, and was created by liberals.

Speaking of future generations, our government spends its time finding new and creative ways to fund the murder of the unborn, a slate of policy brought to us by liberals.

Medicare, like Social Security, is almost bankrupt and threatens our very existence as a free people. Brought to us by liberals.

Christianity is treated with open hostility, despite the fact our nation was founded on the premise of irrevocable religious liberty. Who enacted these policies of religious hatred? You guessed it!

I haven't articulated anything controversial. Honest leftists would nod in agreement. The difference is they'd spend their time scheming ways to debase the English language to make you believe the lies.

On every test important to the fiber of American character we are failing miserably. And we're failing because of every rotten liberal policy put into practice over the past 100 years. America is objectively poorer for it.

Maybe it's time we reconsider.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Economic Liberty is an Unalienable Right of the People

Economic liberty, now called capitalism, is an unalienable right protected by the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, and likely others too.

Adam Smith, one of the philosophical founders of individualist economics in the 18th century, taught that self-interested economic actions can benefit not only oneself but others too through the act of producing something others need or desire. This is the pursuit of happiness. I invent something using my money and you compensate me with yours because you need it and/or want it. A simple exchange between two consenting adults.

But humans are flawed beings in need of referees (government) to ensure that economic transactions do not violate another person's unalienable and constitutional rights. That is the proper role of government in matters of economic liberty. No more and no less. In the event there is legal dispute our three branches of government are tasked with clearly articulated responsibilities to ensure all parties involved receive both due process and equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. In addition, because economic liberty is an unalienable, unenumerated right it is protected by the Ninth Amendment as well as the Tenth, due to the fact it is not an explicitly enumerated power in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

The American people are good and decent people who more often than not pursue wealth and material possessions in order to experience true individual happiness through something meaningful like acts of charity or shared experiences with family and friends. My two best friends since childhood are brothers with wonderful parents who enjoy watching us kids, all 30+ years old, waterski off the back of their boat just as we did when we were kids. The American people are mostly like Greg and Nancy. They're people who buy boats not because they crave social recognition or wish to own a bunch of stuff, but because they both love being on the water and enjoying that experience with each other and their kids, and the next door neighbor kid best friend they embraced as family some 25 years ago.

The Left rejects those concepts. To them, people who pursue wealth and material possessions are most likely greedy (excluding, naturally, people who share this belief). And since the American people are no better than common criminals seeking to rip each other off for a buck, they require an extraordinarily powerful federal government capable of enforcing social justice and equality by any means necessary, good disciples of Saul Alinsky that they are.

Promulgators of this repugnant philosophy explicitly reject the fundamentals that make America America and seek to "fundamentally transform" her as Barack Obama brazenly and openly shouted to a cheering throng just 5 days before his election to the single-most powerful office in the history of civilization. These are disciples of Marx, a man who hated America and everything she stands for, not patriotic Americans following in the footsteps of Madison in pursuit of a more perfect union. These people engage in crony capitalism, the unholy alliance of big government and big business, in order to deliberately smear the unalienable right of economic liberty. And they are succeeding!

The destructive efforts of the Left over the past 90 years have produced what they consider to be remarkable success: a government that openly repudiates all three of the unalienable rights explicitly mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Today the United States government repudiates life (abortion), liberty and the pursuit of happiness (the right of the American people to pursue happiness through their unalienable right of economic liberty), in addition to the list of all those pesky constitutional amendments mentioned earlier which does not include discussion of their overt hostility to the First (Citizens United) and Second (DC v Heller) Amendments as well.

But their gains simply cannot be defined as success in any meaningful American sense since the overarching goal is to destroy the uniquely American concept of the primacy of the individual. The current health care debates should properly be seen in this light. In attempting to annex 1/7th of the private (capitalistic) economy the Left is using coercion to make public even more of what is and must always remain private (more capital; health care and insurance; patient-doctor relationship; individual choices). Health care "reform" is merely a noble-sounding red herring designed to deceive their opponents and insert themselves in yet another place they do not belong.

Their efforts at destroying our unalienable rights have paved the way for the collectivist economic mindset to take hold in America. We are now told by elected representatives sworn to uphold the Constitution that "capitalism," the right of people to make economic choices free from government coercion so long as those choices do not violate the rights of others, is the root of our financial problems and must be "regulated" further. Their Alinsky-ite efforts to claim this unlimited authority in the name of a Constitution they ignore time and time again is purposeful, rich icing on the cake. What better way to destroy the Constitution than to use it to do their bidding?

Economic collectivism and central planning (regulation) have replaced the act of neutral refereeing on behalf of the American people with the exercise of control in order to consolidate power, pick winners and losers, and redistribute wealth. This has predictably resulted in nothing less than the enslavement of the American people to their government through onerous debt and taxation, perversion of the system, the stifling of innovation and flexibility and the forcing of people into government dependency through the active destruction of millions of private sector jobs. Think of the one-trillion dollar economic "stimulus" bill that enriched the friends of Barack Obama but didn't create a single job. Talk about picking winners and losers.

In order to reverse these insidious efforts we must reject a government has far surpassed its constitutional legitimacy and that has claimed for itself unlimited authority over the American people. We must relearn what we have forgotten so that we might speak and act in defense of once self-evident truths: the American people possess unalienable rights to make decisions on our own, free from government intervention so long as the rights of others are not infringed upon.

Indeed that is the very essence of these United States of America.