The Rock of Liberty

The Rock of Liberty is a blog dedicated to the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, January 25, 2010

What Conservatives Should Do: Part 2

On the heels of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts, the Republican party has reached its own crossroads. The TEA Party movement is in the process of co-opting the entire Republican party establishment and restoring its conservative, founding principles. This is very good news, but the work isn't finished.

The Republican party must prove its fidelity to its own founding principles by starting to make the argument to roll back the administrative state in responsible fashion. It is not enough to mouth platitudes about ending the welfare state in order to win elections. The Republican party must unite behind a natural promulgator of conservative principles who calls for a commission to determine the best, most responsible way(s) to privatize Medicare and Social Security. I nominate Mike Pence.

Representative Pence gets it. Very little more needs to be said to people who follow Mike Pence, but for those who don't I encourage you to read his speeches and look at his voting record. Both are conservative to the core. But Pence also bridges the gap between the TEA Party movement and the Republican establishment. He is loved by both. He is a key to co-opting the Republican party establishment at the highest levels of government. Think of Pence as the anti-Mitch McConnell who, with all due respect for his brilliant efforts to stymie the Obamatons, is not a movement conservative. He is a big-government Republican.

Barack Obama made cutting Medicare a centerpiece of his plan to socialize American medicine. The move is necessary to return our government to its proper constitutional place, but not for the reasons Obama believes. Medicare is on the cusp of bankruptcy. Our entitlement programs run deep into the red, unfunded liabilities that reach into the hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars. It's simply unsustainable. So cutting Medicare is necessary, but cutting Medicare to create a new, unsustainable entitlement program is not only unnecessary it is immoral, for it pushes our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren further into indentured servitude.

Crafting a non-partisan, America-first plan to spin down Medicare along with a responsible path to reinjecting America's seniors into the private health insurance market would reap huge rewards for the republic. Mike Pence is a natural leader of this effort should he choose to accept the responsibility of explaining how, and why, we must meet this test of real leadership. It is simply not enough to talk about ways to meet our obligations to our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents in order to simply win elections. The balance sheet tells the hard truth that those massively unfunded obligations come at great expense to those previously mentioned children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I know of no parent who wouldn't suffer now in order to spare their children from unspeakable pain years hence. So let's begin suffering now in order to spare our children.

Let's end Medicare now. Responsibly.

You Are Either With Us or Against Us

The TEA Parties have been misunderstood by both political parties. That's not really a surprise since most politicians think only in terms of politics and re-election. Their political moves are determined by their carefully planned re-election strategies. Not only has this resulted in a financial and monetary crisis that may yet destroy the dollar and with it the entire global economic order, but also the rise of a Marxist faction within our government that uses the language of American liberty to destroy it. These people are hastening our descent into tyranny and they must be stopped.

The TEA Parties transcend Democrat and Republican talking points. Yes, it's true that the TEA Parties are conservative in nature, but listen carefully to the TEA partiers and what you realize is that they don't speak conservative language because they wish to elect Republicans to the Congress and the White House. We speak conservative language because so did our Founding Fathers, and that is the America we believe in and wish to restore to its rightful place as the shining city on a hill!!!!

Scott Brown's election to the US Senate is being smeared by Republicans just as harshly as by the Democrats. By people like Alan Keyes, a man who I respect tremendously. Dr. Keyes thinks that Brown is just another RINO undeserving of conservative support. I couldn't disagree more. Yes, Scott Brown's position on abortion is a misunderstanding of the natural right to Life and Liberty to which all Americans are entitled, but Scott Brown's support of religious liberty and parental rights are the backbone to the revelation of the truth about abortion, and it is OUR responsibility to nurture Scott Brown and others like him to see the light of our position.

Indeed, conservatives long ago abdicated our responsibility to teach and instead we assume that others will understand our position simply because we hold it. This is the Obama strategy of governance. He believes Americans will "suddenly" understand why his socialization of American medicine is good for America. We should just shut up and accept it. Is that our approach too? Is that what Dr. Keyes suggests our approach should be when it comes to reversing 37 years of damage done to the American soul by the illegitimate reign of Roe v Wade?

The TEA Parties are about the restoration of the American soul, not about electing Republicans. It is a battle that will take decades to complete. We can either take a long-range approach like Marxists do to destroying American government, or we can ravage our allies like Dr. Keyes suggests. Conservatives are finally engaged in the battle to reclaim America with the right strategy to succeed. As George W. Bush said, you are either with us or against us. Get onboard or get out of the way. But make no mistake: we're not going anywhere.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scott Brown for MA Senate

Scott Brown is no "far right tea bagging Republican," a slur delivered from Senator Charles Schumer. Let's be clear. Senator Schumer is a political hack who won his seat by falsely painting his opponent as a Jew-hater. He does that quite often. Now Schumer is using a term that refers to a filthy homosexual practice to smear a good and decent man running for Senate in Massachusetts because he happens to be a Republican. This is unsurprising, but it is still disgusting behavior by a disgusting human being. Yes Chuck, you're a disgusting human being.

Scott Brown loves America. That seems to be abundantly clear if you spend five minutes listening to the man. He's just like you and me. He's fed up with the political machines of both parties churning up sludge from the bottom of humanity and elevating them to positions of power over us. Scott Brown is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard and is a Lt. Colonel in the JAG Corp. He believes in the power of the American individual. He believes that government is raging out of control. He believes the American people are the rightful owners of the fruits of their own labor. He is also a supporter of Roe versus Wade and the "right to choose" abortion. Is this a far right Republican boogeyman? Of course not. But Schumer and others fear him, so he must be destroyed by any means necessary.

Scott Brown is a man who has worked hard to serve the people of Wrentham, MA and has seen enough of a government in Washington, DC that has grown beyond its constitutional limits. So in an act befitting a man who believes in the American people, he is hoping to go to the swamp and drain it.

It is often said that the Lord reveals himself in mysterious ways. Ted Kennedy's life work was the implementation of socialized medicine and single-payer health care in America. Scott Brown will kill it from the people's Senate seat held by Kennedy for far too long. Mere irony? Or the propitious smiles of Heaven in response to the long-overdue awakening of the American people?

Elect Scott Brown.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Part 1: What Must Conservatives Do?

Enough as been written about the Marxism of Barack Obama and his administration full of hacks, cronies and left-wing loons. As the 2010 elections loom it's time to hone in on our best chance to reverse the communist gains of the Obama faction. There isn't enough time to turn the TEA Party movement into a political party ready for governance. Therefore we must return to the party of Lincoln and Reagan and rebuild it from the ground up, harnessing its structure and fund raising prowess to win elections not based upon opposition to communism but because of its commitment to our founding principles.

To do that we come to the first item of business in order to rebuild the American republic. We must commit to teaching our founding principles to our children. Nothing is more urgent than to remove the poison of Marxism from the minds of America's youth. We must teach them the superiority of traditional American ideals like natural law and natural rights, of the primacy of the individual, of the Judeo-Christian philosophy upon which this nation was founded, of the necessity of limited government in order to secure the inherent rights of man, and of the evil of Marxism and other like-minded schools of progressive philosophy. To do that we must seize control of our schools again. Run for the local school board. Run for city council. Run for school superintendent. Run for whatever office will give you a voice in determining what is taught to your children in the schools for which your tax dollars pay to operate.

For too long conservatives have allowed the machinery of government to dictate what is taught to our children. It was inevitable with the creation of the Department of Education that government, which is infested from top to bottom with Marxists like "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings, would teach thinly-veiled Marxism to our children. This can no longer continue. Right now in Texas a group of conservatives are fighting to take back their textbooks from Marxists. Predictably the Marxists are smearing these Christian conservatives as pushers of creationism, even though they're doing nothing of the sort.

What these good Christian conservatives understand is what many of us have forgotten, and what Marx and his fellow radicals understood all too well: teaching history is an extraordinary responsibility; that those who write the textbooks have the power to control the minds of children; and by exercising this power for ill-gotten gain these Marxists can control the future. Should you need to be reminded, hearken back to the fall of the Soviet Union and research how radically the textbooks had to be altered to wipe them clean of all of the Marxist lies. That is the battle being fought in Texas: the fight to wipe our textbooks clean of the Marxist lies. The responsibility to teach our children our history can no longer be left to people who warp our history to suit their endgame. Marxists hate America and they understand that there is no better way to destroy America than to make it into a country worthy of hatred. To do that, they have followed Marx's playbook of taking control of the textbooks.

This is a fight on the very front lines of the battle between Americans who love and cherish American liberty and those who seek to continue their efforts to destroy the philosophical and constitutional underpinnings of the Republic. We must join them in this fight in Texas and in every state in the Union. We must take our schools back. We must take our textbooks back. We must take our children back!!!! Not because we want to control the minds of America's children. But because we want to teach them the gift from God that we have been given to live in the greatest country ever built by man. One cannot appreciate that gift without understanding from where it comes. It is our highest responsibility and we must urgently meet it.