Tyranny is Still Tyranny, Even When It's Called Universal Heath Care
The National Socialist Party of America (what was previously called the Democrat Party) is engineering the onset of tyranny on a scale previously unheard of in these United States. After six seemingly endless decades of the death march to socialism, aided and abetted by politicians of both parties and the judges they appoint, we have broken faith with our Constitution of limited government to the point where we don't haggle over whether or not this program or that is constitutional, but whether it costs too much or too little, or favors the right groups of people. What was once the ultimate blueprint for individual liberty and the gift of the opportunity to both succeed or fail based on ones own merit is now nothing more than a memory of a time when we were ruled by long-since "dead white men" who owned slaves and were therefore unfit to be the authors of what is commonly referred to as the crown jewel of Western civilization.
To wit, a Constitution that created a small general government with specifically enumerated powers and left the overwhelming majority of the powers to the States and the people themselves, is now used to: sanction the ongoing horror of abortion on demand; bludgeon those with traditional American values; curtail the freedom of political speech while giving countenance to almost every form of pornography imaginable; pit one American against the other in a vicious form of class and ethnic warfare; regulate business to the point of strangulation; disallow legitimate and proper forms of interstate commerce while erecting barriers between the states that are impermissible; give blessing to unconstitutional forms of interstate regulation based upon the interstate commerce clause; eliminate the free exercise of religion; wipe away both our borders and unique American culture by allowing unfettered immigration, both legal and illegal; debase and devalue the American dollar through the creation of the Federal Reserve; and so on and so forth.
As it turns out, that was all just window dressing. An appetizer before the main course. Now we find ourselves standing at the precipice of the ultimate takeover of American society by a few elites who cling to the repeatedly discredited dogma of liberalism: socialized medicine. And dogma it is, for even in the face of fact and historical precedent, liberals cannot be budged from their rigid and putrid ideology that always devolves into tyranny. So it is with socialized medicine.
The same group of people who preach about "the right to choose" and demand that "government keeps its hands off my body" sees no intellectual contradiction (cognitive dissonance) with the socialization of medicine, in which case government busy bodies will be making every decision about our health and medical well-being. Need that new plastic hip? Well, sorry, but you're 60 and on the down slope of life so we're going to allocate those resources to someone else. Need a quintuple bypass? Whoops! Shouldn't have eaten all those cheeseburgers and allowed your arteries to rot. See you on the flip side. Diabetes? Ooooh, those insulin shots are pretty expensive so let's try this pill and hope for the best! Our socialist in chief said it best himself: "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking painkillers." Maybe. But maybe not. Too bad you won't get to make the decision with your doctor. Instead, the government is forcing you to become a painkiller addicted junkie, one now even further dependent on the government for your well-being. How rich.
We've been conditioned to think of tyranny as something along the lines of what Hitler did to the Jews, or what Stalin did to his Russian countrymen, or what Pol Pot did in the Killing Fields, or what Ahmadinejad just got done doing to his own people with Obama's blessing. But in reality, tyranny comes in many forms. Yes, it can and often does come at gunpoint or in death camps, but sometimes it comes in a much less recognizable form. Sometimes it's dressed up with really fancy words and hidden in plain view. Make no mistake though. When your ability to make decisions for yourself and your family in the most intimate of ways is forcibly removed from your hands, sure, we might be inclined to call it universal health care. We might also want to call it what it really is: tyranny.
To wit, a Constitution that created a small general government with specifically enumerated powers and left the overwhelming majority of the powers to the States and the people themselves, is now used to: sanction the ongoing horror of abortion on demand; bludgeon those with traditional American values; curtail the freedom of political speech while giving countenance to almost every form of pornography imaginable; pit one American against the other in a vicious form of class and ethnic warfare; regulate business to the point of strangulation; disallow legitimate and proper forms of interstate commerce while erecting barriers between the states that are impermissible; give blessing to unconstitutional forms of interstate regulation based upon the interstate commerce clause; eliminate the free exercise of religion; wipe away both our borders and unique American culture by allowing unfettered immigration, both legal and illegal; debase and devalue the American dollar through the creation of the Federal Reserve; and so on and so forth.
As it turns out, that was all just window dressing. An appetizer before the main course. Now we find ourselves standing at the precipice of the ultimate takeover of American society by a few elites who cling to the repeatedly discredited dogma of liberalism: socialized medicine. And dogma it is, for even in the face of fact and historical precedent, liberals cannot be budged from their rigid and putrid ideology that always devolves into tyranny. So it is with socialized medicine.
The same group of people who preach about "the right to choose" and demand that "government keeps its hands off my body" sees no intellectual contradiction (cognitive dissonance) with the socialization of medicine, in which case government busy bodies will be making every decision about our health and medical well-being. Need that new plastic hip? Well, sorry, but you're 60 and on the down slope of life so we're going to allocate those resources to someone else. Need a quintuple bypass? Whoops! Shouldn't have eaten all those cheeseburgers and allowed your arteries to rot. See you on the flip side. Diabetes? Ooooh, those insulin shots are pretty expensive so let's try this pill and hope for the best! Our socialist in chief said it best himself: "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking painkillers." Maybe. But maybe not. Too bad you won't get to make the decision with your doctor. Instead, the government is forcing you to become a painkiller addicted junkie, one now even further dependent on the government for your well-being. How rich.
We've been conditioned to think of tyranny as something along the lines of what Hitler did to the Jews, or what Stalin did to his Russian countrymen, or what Pol Pot did in the Killing Fields, or what Ahmadinejad just got done doing to his own people with Obama's blessing. But in reality, tyranny comes in many forms. Yes, it can and often does come at gunpoint or in death camps, but sometimes it comes in a much less recognizable form. Sometimes it's dressed up with really fancy words and hidden in plain view. Make no mistake though. When your ability to make decisions for yourself and your family in the most intimate of ways is forcibly removed from your hands, sure, we might be inclined to call it universal health care. We might also want to call it what it really is: tyranny.