Barack Obama has a lot of people fooled. Good and decent people. People who listened to the man speak the language of Ronald Reagan and Dr. King and were led to believe that this unknown, untested and completely inexperienced person was up to the task of holding the most powerful office on earth. And in the midst of this deception, as the exhaustion with the presidency of George W. Bush had reached its apex, these good and decent people pulled the lever for a man barely qualified to serve as the Post Master General.
Some of us weren't fooled, but the purpose of this article is not to say "I told you so." It is an opportunity to shine the light of truth into the darkness of Barack Hussein Obama's soul, in the real hope that those who fell for the snake oil of false hope will awaken in time to stop the man before it is too late. And make no mistake. That hour is upon us.
Barack Obama's life is shrouded in secrecy, including his birth location, his religious study during his years living in Indonesia, his citizenship, his college and financial aid records, transcripts, relationships and even his drug abuse. To say nothing of the hypocrisy of the major production that the liberal elite media made of George Bush's past alcohol and drug abuse (and to be sure, it was worth discussion when considering the moral fiber of the man running for president), Obama's entire life was glossed over with noble sounding rhetoric that charmed the media establishment that was eager to help elect a Democrat, especially a black one. What better way to shame the nation for having had the temerity to elect Bush to the presidency twice?
Enough has been written in this space and in the rest of the ascendant alternative media regarding Obama's birthplace and the questions surrounding his citizenship. While no one in the halls of power has the onions to touch this hot potato, it's abundantly clear that enough questions exist as to require a full, independent and transparent investigation into Obama's constitutional legitimacy. But, not enough attention was paid to the truth of Obama's relationships and his hard left ideology in the run up to the 2008 election. John McCain was no help, even as his ballsy VP choice Governor Palin tried in vain to call attention to the things that deserved attention. No, it wasn't McCain's age that needed to be debated. It was Obama's troubling and even dangerous relationships that needed vetting under what most people would assume is the self-evident truth that a man can and must be judged by those with whom he surrounds himself.
Obama's formative years were spent in Indonesia, being schooled in Muslim theology by his socialist father. It is important to consider the symbiotic relationship of radical Islamic ideology (politics masked by religion), which seeks to oppress and even eliminate all those who do not submit; and socialism, which is the last step before communism, which seeks to oppress and even eliminate all those who do not submit. Is there any other reason why communist Russia would actively undermine the efforts of the West to cease radical Islam's brazen pursuit of nuclear weapons through the pathologically insane Mullahs of Iran? No. Osama bin Laden and Vladimir Putin are kissing cousins. They might disagree on the means of destroying Western civilization, but make no mistake, the end game is the same. The only real difference is that one embraces their idea of god in furtherance of their hostility and one rejects any idea of god. But both agree that the Judeo-Christian philosophical underpinnings of the West, which embrace the one true Creator G-d and have allowed the blossoming of individual liberty and self-government to the detriment of those who seek to exercise illegitimate power over all of humanity, must be eliminated. Without delay.
Upon returning to the United States after his youthful upbringing in traditions hostile to those that birthed America, Obama found drugs and alcohol and a host of mentors who hate America to the point of radicalism. His pastor of over 20 years hates America so much that from the pews of his tax-exempt church he furthers the disgusting lie that white devils are responsible for the HIV virus in an attempt to destroy the black community. Nevermind that over 600,000 people died in a civil war that was fought to end the ugly, reprehensible blight of slavery that pockmarked the first 100 years of the newly formed American republic.
Obama's college years are harder to analyze, as he keeps all of his writings under lock and key, his transcripts sealed, and his financial aid records unavailable for public consumption. What we do know is that after what appears to be an affirmative action education history, Barack Obama wrote his first autobiography. How impressive.
Obama's early years in politics were marked by support of radical communists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, America-haters who founded a domestic terrorist organization in order to bring about revolution through the systematic targeting and bombing of American institutions like the Pentagon. Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' living room, a fundraiser held to install a symbiotic soul mate into the legitimate halls of government. In order to further this cause, evidence suggests that Ayers wrote Obama's widely hailed second autobiography in order to propel him into the national consciousness. It was a successful gambit, as critics hailed him as the best political writer since Lincoln. What a remarkable accomplishment for a man who had done absolutely nothing to have written (or not) his second autobiography before the age of 40.
During his years in the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama continued his extraordinary propensity to do absolutely nothing, unless you count his support for the grisly practice of partial birth abortion and the criminal practice of infanticide. No legislation of note was authored by Barack Obama, and the man voted "present" on so many controversial issues that one can only assume he didn't want to leave a paper trail in anticipation of his ascendancy to the presidency. His years in the US Senate were just as uneventful, with his authorship of a 400B piece of worldwide wealth distribution being his only contribution, if one can call the theft of American wealth a contribution. Though he did manage to steal credit for the work of others and pat himself on the back, as was his MO during his brief stint in the Senate in which he somehow managed to amass the most left-wing voting record out of all 100 members, including avowed socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
The campaign of Obama was nothing short of prestidigitation. He managed to convince a substantial majority of the voting public of these things, amongst others: he didn't know anything about Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers or Bernadine Dohrn (or even Tony Rezko, the criminal who financed the purchase of Obama's house); he was motivated not by left-wing ideology as a simple review of his voting record would prove, but by dispassionate pragmatism that somehow, against all odds, never managed to include a single, solitary conservative solution, even ones that have been proven by history to be successful; that his administration would be focused on paying down the debt of the evil Bushies; that he would cut wasteful spending; he would turn the economy around; he would destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban and stop Iran's maniacal pursuit of nuclear weapons; bring the American people together; and he would run the most transparent administration in history, allowing the American people 72 hours to read each and every bill sent to his desk before he would sign. It sounded great after 8 years of evil perpetrated by King George, except to some of us it sounded too good to be true. It was.
Barack Obama has surrounded himself in the White House with some of the most reprehensible people imaginable. This is only a partial list: Van Jones, an America-hating communist; Cass Sunstein, who believes that the American Constitution can be used to justify forced abortions and the right of animals to sue their owners; Kevin Jennings, a man who thinks that it's OK for adult homosexuals to prey on young children; and Anita Dunn, who told a group of high school students in June that Chairman Mao, a man who was directly responsible for the deaths of 40-70 million Chinese citizens, is a good role model for pursuing ones dreams with vigor.
Barack Obama's left-wing policies are bankrupting America. The 800B stimulus bill has stimulated nothing except the pocketbooks of Obama allies in organized labor and other special interests. His scheme to destroy the American economy is not just being pursued through "economic stimulus" but by "environmental" and "health care" legislation that sounds worthwhile, but like everything Obama says is nothing more than a box of dog crap wrapped up in pretty, shiny wrapping paper. Cap and Trade will cause energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" (Obama's words) so that American energy producers and consumers will have one choice: get in line, or go bankrupt. His goal of taking over health care, 1/6th of the economy, will also result in the same choice: get your government-approved and funded plan, or face fines and jail time. He is dithering while Afghanistan gets worse, ignoring the general that he himself appointed. He has dissed our allies while embracing human scum like Chavez, Castro and Zelaya. He is consciously dividing the American people along racial lines, allowing the liberal media to smear those who legitimately disagree with Obama as racist Klansmen or Nazis. And he is doing it all at breathtaking pace, having only been in office for just a shade under 10 months before receiving his Nobel Peace Prize for emasculating America by going on a worldwide apology tour. Is this the change we voted for?
There are influential voices within the conservative movement who say that Obama is being pushed to the far left by Pelosi and Reid, and the czars he appointed without Congressional approval who seem to all have one thing in common: their deeply rooted hatred of America. This is wrong, and by repeating this lie we are walking directly into Obama's trap. Obama is the leader of this repugnant group of America haters who have seized hold of all of the levers of power. By suggesting all of these people were the result of a simple vetting mistake is letting Obama off the hook for the canvas of work he has spent his entire life painting. Obama was raised by an America hater. He spent his young life surrounded by America haters. He has filled his inner circle of presidential advisers with America haters. Those of us who stand proudly in opposition to this America hater-in-chief are providing him cover when we allow him to fire one or two of these awful human beings while he proclaims his love for this country and remains surrounded by a cadre of communists who have not yet come forth into the light of day. This is profoundly wrong and profoundly dangerous.
The truth is that we elected a man who hates the country he governs, and have provided him with the blank check of massive congressional majorities to perpetrate his permanent realignment and corruption of the relationship between the American people and our government. The only way he will succeed is if We the People allow him to succeed. A vetting mistake? Absolutely. But ours. Not his. Let us correct the Manchurian mistake before it really is too late.