Barack Obama Hates America
Yes. When properly read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are two parts of one whole. The Declaration declares our independence and articulates our founding principles, while the Constitution girds those principles by erecting a compatible framework of government. To wit, our Constitution cannot exist without the Declaration of Independence, and any attempt to separate the two is a fundamental and grossly intentional misreading of American history and tradition. Barack Obama engages in this intentional misreading.
The Declaration informs us of the natural (G-d given), unalienable rights shared by all human beings, including but of course not limited to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And that the purpose of governments (such as the one to be constructed by our Constitution some few years later) is to secure these rights through the exercise of powers given their legitimacy solely by the consent of the governed. It should be noted at this precise moment that never before in the history of mankind had a government been organized around the guiding principle of pre-existing conditions (pun intended) wedded inseparably to the human soul and not bequeathed by the benevolent hand of a dictator or king. And not only did our founders recognize this truth, they purposefully declared it a self-evident truth written into the human condition by our Creator.
Natural law and the truth of the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness help to inform us of the purpose of the Constitution, as articulated in the Preamble. The Preamble states many things, but most noticeably its intention to craft a system of government capable of securing the blessings of liberty to themselves and their American posterity. Divorced from the Declaration, the Preamble means nothing, and in general the Preamble has no functional authority with respect to Constitutional law by itself. However, when properly viewed together the unalienable rights expressed in the Declaration are noticeably inseparable from the architecture of our government and the execution of its laws.
How so? A few examples. If one accepts the truth that there are rights that pre-exist the founding of the American government, then one must properly view the Second Amendment as being a fundamental and therefore unalienable right. For if the individual right to life is unalienable, then most certainly the individual right to protect it is unalienable as well. If one accepts the truth that the right to life is unalienable for all people, in this instance the Founders and their American progeny, and if one accepts the unimpeachable scientific fact that human life begins at the moment of conception, then natural law rightfully outlaws abortion as the act of murder it actually is. If one accepts the truth, expressed in the Declaration, that all are created equal, one must also accept the truth that all should be treated equally in the eyes of the law, rather than providing special treatment for some based upon favored characteristics or political connections.
Barack Obama, on the other hand, supports outlawing the possession of firearms among law-abiding citizens, a position that is fundamentally incompatible with our unalienable right to protect and preserve life. Barack Obama believes that a child is a form of "punishment" to be terminated at the evil hands of abortion doctors, a position that is fundamentally destructive of the unalienable right to life granted by our Creator. Barack Obama believes that the tax code should be used to engineer desired sociopolitical results as opposed to being an evenly applied tool to fund the few legitimate powers granted to the federal government. This position is fundamentally at odds with the right to equal protection under the law. Barack Obama believes the Supreme Court is a place to torture the plain language of the Constitution, with the specific purpose of providing special treatment and social engineering a repugnant veneer of actual lawfulness. This position is a fundamentally dishonest interpretation of the American ideal and practice of "the rule of law." Barack Obama believes that the federal government knows what is best for you, and therefore supports an all-powerful centralized federal government that makes your decisions for you, whether they benevolently allow you to actually be born, or they unlawfully make end of life decisions for you under the guise of "health care reform." This understanding is fundamentally irreconcilable with the honest and truthful reading of both the Declaration and the Constitution, which together clearly articulate through the Tenth Amendment that the several States and the people know best how to govern themselves.
When the people of the United States elected Barack Obama, they elected a cipher who used extraordinarily broad language when useful and the language of conservatives when necessary in order to position himself to bring about this fundamental change he so desires. He clearly rejects the ideals of the American founding as well as the true fundamentals of the American tradition, and he lied to the American people in order to secure a position that would entrust within him enough power to destroy the very country he was elected to lead. Ironic? Yes. But does that mean he hates America?
Not in and of itself. However, the unvarnished evidential truth about Barack Obama brings both and indictment and conviction for the crime of America hatred. First, we have his deliberate efforts to deface the truthful understanding of the founding of the Republic and the inseparable relationship between the Declaration and the Constitution. Secondly, I know I'm not alone when I say that I'm quite sick and tired of Barack Obama's anti-American apology tour. He has been president for 7 months and he's already apologized to Europe for our supposed arrogance and derisiveness, apologized to the Muslim community for supposed American sins against this "religion of peace," and apologized for supposed American transgressions with respect to what is laughably referred to as the Mid-East peace process (truthfully defined as the active aiding and abetting of the destruction of the Jewish state).
Add to that the following: his embrace of Iranian mullahs who murdered their own countrymen in order to retain power; the purposeful misrepresentation of the truth of the attempted Zelayan coup in Tegucigalpa; his cheerful handshake with Miguel Ortega while happily accepting his anti-American diatribe that some call a book; his nose-rubbing with Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez; the laundry list of shady America hating characters like Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn with whom he has spent his entire life canoodling; and calling a dedicated and decorated police officer "stupid." From all of this one can only properly deduce that Barack Obama hates America. For at every turn in his entire life he has rejected American tradition and original understanding, befriended and embraced people who hate America, and now as president extends an open hand to regimes hostile to America and American interests while giving only the back of it to allies like Britain and Israel.
It is abundantly clear just 7 months into the first year of this presidency that the man occupying the Oval Office is very different from the man wearing the Barack Obama mask on the campaign trail. The man in the Oval Office, that is to say the real Barack Obama, seeks to separate himself and the country he now leads from American history and tradition and instead take it down a very different path, one that only leads, as Reagan said, to 1000 years of darkness. That is the fundamental change promised to us by Barack Hussein Obama. That is the nightmare from which we must awaken before it's too late. The only remaining question is: will the American people wake up in time to stop him?